Adrian is a former Detective Inspector in the UK police, trained in the initial management of serious crime. His 20 years policing experience extends from general duties, intelligence, to detective duties, investigating a range of incidents including major crime as a Deputy Senior Investigating Officer. As a detective, Adrian received a number of commendations for his investigative skills.
In Australia, Adrian held a senior position for seven years as a Fraud and Ethics Manager with a large government agency, specialising in the prevention, detection and assessment of corruption and fraud within the workplace, risk and corporate governance. In 2018, Adrian joined Charles Sturt University in a teaching role.
Adrian is the course coordinator for policing, emergency management and intelligence subjects.
Adrian holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Newcastle (Aus) and a Graduate Certificate in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education CSU (Aus).
Adrian has previously lectured in the Associate Degree in Policing Practice (ADPP) at Goulburn, NSW and online with a variety of courses. He currently teaches in criminal justice and policing subjects under the Australian Graduate School of Policing (AGSP&S) and Security and the Centre for Law and Justice (CL&J) at Charles Sturt University.
Adrian is an active tutor for the First Nations Academic Support Program.