HDR students (Principal Supervisor)
- Developing Community Policing for the Policing of Terrorism: Merging Western and Eastern Perspectives, Xue Fei Cao, 2021
- Looking beyond the trees: police educators’ conceptions of and approaches to growing and developing as teachers, Brett Shipton, 2018
- An empirical study of Chinese police officers’ perceptions of integrity in the workplace, Zhang Liyun, 2016
- A theoretical model of implementing the mass line principle in criminal investigation in China, Li Yongtao, 2015
- Intelligence and Intelligence Analysis: Exploring the State of Intelligence since 9/11, Patrick F. Walsh, 2013
Doctor of Policing and Security
- Disengagement and Deradicalisation: An Online Intervention, Jason-Leigh Striegher, 2021
- Justice, Rehabilitation and Reintegration: Capturing ‘success’ of Drug Courts in Australia, Amanda Clarke, 2019
- Police cynicism: A practitioners’ perspective of what police cynicism is and how it impacts upon police practice, Mary-Jane Welsh, 2015
- Police officers’ attitudes towards community policing: a case study of the Royal Malaysia Police, Siva Suppiah, 2015
- Why do hate crime victims report to the police?, Patrick McCaffery, 2012
Doctor of Police Leadership
- Leadership in Indigenous Child Protection Policing, Maurice Carless, 2013
HDR students (Co-Supervisor)
- Anatomy of Death Investigations: A Qualitative Evaluation of Investigative Methods, Christina Witt, 2017
- Millstones in the Sea? Australian Churches and Child Sexual Abuse, Jodie Death, 2008
Coursework Masters (Principal Supervisor)
Master of Emergency Management
- Weighing up the risk versus reward. An insight into the management of police pursuits by police pursuit controllers, Patrick Hayes, 2018
- School rampage violence - best practices to effectively cope with this phenomenon within an Australian university environment, Jamie Daniluck, 2016
- Minimising the risk to Psychological Health of Bystanders Exposed and/or Engaged to Assist at Fatal or Serious Injury Motor Vehicle Collisions, Tanya Eade-Smith, 2016
- Preferred Sheltering Practices for Emergency Sheltering in Australia: Child Safe Practices, Stephanie Ayres, 2015
- Principles, Strategies, and Tools of Mass Notification Systems during Emergency Situations, Carolyn Dumbeck, 2015
- Knock, knock, knocking at the Control Centre door - Water Industry Crisis Management Plan
- Ignorance and uncertainty in the management of aviation accident investigations, Helen Foster, 2015
Master of Arts (Investigations Management)
- Ignorance and uncertainty in the management of aviation accident investigations, John Robins, 2015
- Ethnographical Exploration of Synergy: Establishing and Maintaining A Visionary Tri-Service Investigative Policing Culture within the ADF Investigative Service (ADFIS), Andrew Johnston, 2009
Master of Arts (Criminal Intelligence)
- On the effects of intervention on the search engine and registrar level in order to disrupt the business continuity of rogue online pharmacies (OLPs), Kerstin Schrade-Butscher, 2015
Master of Ethics and Legal Studies
- Legislative and policy expectations and restrictions on the private lives of NSW police officers – a Millian critique, Ms Kim Willer, 2012
Master of Arts (Fraud Investigation)
- Exploring the prevalence of fraud and corruption in indigenous corporations, Jodie Goddard, 2007
- Examining The Significance Of The Victoria Police Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, Dianne Thomson, 2007
Criminology Honours Dissertation (Co-supervisor)
- A Contemporary Study of Risk Factors and Protective Factors as They Apply to Desistance Research, Leiann Vicars, 2021
- The Royal Australian Navy’s involvement in the Combined Maritime Forces and transnational drug interdiction operations in the Middle East Region, Tom Irvin, 2021
- The skin of crime: An analysis of Blood Borne Viruses in New South Wales and Victorian Adult Male Prison Populations, Whitney McGovern, 2020