Kristy Campion

Academic Staff

Dr Kristy Campion

PhD (History), BA (Hons Class 1)

Senior Lecturer in Terrorism Studies

Dr Kristy Campion is a Senior Lecturer of Terrorism Studies with the Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security. A historian by training, her postgraduate and research expertise has focused on terrorism and extremism, both domestically and internationally. She has lectured and tutored in terrorism studies to undergraduate students and postgraduate students, consulted for specialist audiences and industry, and engages in media and public commentary. While she is primarily lectures in the Masters of Terrorism and Security Studies degree, Dr Campion also supervisors HDR candidates. In the past two years, Dr Campion’s research has focused heavily on right wing extremism in Australia, with reference to its organisations, individuals, and ideological narratives, with a focus on domestic and international connections. Dr Campion is currently working on the first comprehensive history of terrorism and extremism in Australia, to current day.


Masters of Terrorism and Security Studies. Subjects often include:

  • History of Terrorism
  • Contemporary Terrorism
  • Right Wing Extremism and Terrorism


Research Interests:

  • Terrorism and extremism in Australia, and around the world
  • Terrorist concepts, strategies, and ideologies
  • Comparative analysis of terrorism manifestations
  • Right wing extremism and terrorism
  • Left wing extremism and terrorism

Current Projects:

Book: Terrorism and Extremism in Australia [Sole Author]

Journal: Global Rise of the Extreme Right, Special Edition of Social Sciences [Guest Editor]