Morgan Miles

Professor Morgan Miles

B.S. Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University; M.S. Ag. Econ Virginia Tech; D.B.A., Marketing Mississippi State

Adjunct Professor
Building 1411 room 411


. Professor Morgan P. Miles is an Adjunct Professor and was previously Professor of Entrepreneurship at Charles Stuart University.  Prior to that, he was at the University of Canterbury, the University of Tennessee- Martin, the University of Tasmania, and Georgia Southern University He has been a visiting scholar at Georgia Tech, Cambridge University, University of Stockholm, the University of Otago, University of Auckland, and an Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury.  He holds a D.B.A. in Marketing from Mississippi State University, an M.S. and B.S. in Agricultural Economics from Virginia Tech and Mississippi State University respectively. Currently, he is working with the Department of Industry on entrepreneurial support program policies dealing specifically with accelerator and incubators. He has published in marketing papers in journals such as Tourism Management, Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics and Journal of Business Research.


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Ethics
  • Marketing
  • Small Business


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Ethics
  • Marketing
  • Small Business
  • Agribusiness


Miles, M.P., de Vries, H., Harrison, G., Bliemel, M., de Klerk, S. and Kasouf, C. (Forthcoming). Accelerators as authentic learning experiences for nascent entrepreneurs. Education + Training.

Melhorn, J.E., Miles, M.P., Bonney, L., and Tewari, R. (Forthcoming). Perceptions of entrepreneurship in a university agribusiness program:  Developing a scale.  International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics..

Ho, K., Nguyen, C., Adhikari, R., Bonney, L., and Miles, M.P. (Forthcoming).  Exploring Market Orientation, Innovation and the Financial Performance of an Agricultural Value Chain in an Emerging Economy.  Journal of Innovation and Knowledge.  

Frasier, N., Miles, M.P., Woods, M. and Lewis, G. (Forthcoming). The Creation of Entrepreneurial Engineers: A re-evaluation of the Standish-Kuon and Rice (2002) Typology and the emergence of the Entrepreneurial Engineering Education (EEE) Typology.  Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship.

Grimmer, L, Miles, M.P, Byron, J, and Grimmer, M. (Forthcoming). The impact of resources and strategic orientation small retailer performance.  Journal of Small Business Management.

Miles, M.P., Verreynne, M-L, McAuley, A. and Hammond, K. (2017). Exploring public universities as social enterprises.  International Journal of Education Management. 31(3), 404-414.

Harrigan, P., Evers, U, Miles, M.P. and Daly, T. (2017). Customer engagement with social media based tourism brands. Tourism Management. 50, 597-609.

Grimmer, M. and Miles, M.P. (2017). With the Best of Intentions: A Large Sample Test of the Intention-Behaviour Gap in Pro-environmental Consumer Behaviour. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 41, 2–10.

Gonçalves, H.M., Rey-Martí, A., Roig-Tierno, N. and Miles, M.P. (2016). The Role of Qualitative Research in Current Digital Social Media: Issues and Aspects: An Introduction.  Psychology & Marketing. 33(12): 1023–1028

Fillis, I., Lehman, K. and Miles, M.P. (2016). The Museum of Old and New Art: Leveraging entrepreneurial marketing to create a unique arts and vacation venture.  Journal of Vacation Marketing.  DOI: 10.1177/1356766716634153.

Sok, P., O'Cass, A., and Miles, M.P. (2016). The Performance Advantages for SMEs of Product Innovation and Marketing Resource–Capability Complementarity in Emerging Economies, Journal of Small Business Management. 54(3), 805-826.

Jenson, I., Leith, P.; Doyle, R., West, J., and Miles, M.P. (2016). Innovation system problems: causal configurations of innovation failure. Journal of Business Research. 69(11), 5408–5412.

Grimmer, L., Miles, M.P., and Grimmer, M. (2016).  The Performance Advantage of Business Planning for Small and Social Retail Enterprise in an Economically Disadvantaged Region, European Journal of International Management. 10(4), 403-421.

Jenson, I., Leith, P.; Doyle, R., West, J., and Miles, M.P. (2016). The root cause of innovation system problems: formative measures and causal configurations.  Journal of Business Research. 69(11), 5292–5298.

Grimmer, M., Kilburn, A.P., Miles, M.P. (2016). The Effect of Purchase Situation on Realized Pro-environmental Consumer Behaviour. Journal of Business Research. 69(5), 1582–1586.

Jenson, I., Leith, P.; Doyle, R., West, J., Miles, M.P. (2016). Testing innovation systems theory using qualitative comparative analysis.  Journal of Business Research.  69(4), 1283-1287.

Miles, M.P., Grimmer, M. and Franklin, G. (2016).  How well do AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS manage their brands? Marketing Intelligence and Planning. 34(1), 99-116.

Miles, M.P., Lewis, G. K., Hall-Phillips, A., Morrish, S. C., Gilmore, A., Kasouf, C., (2016). The influence of entrepreneurial marketing processes and entrepreneurial self-efficacy on community vulnerability, risk and resilience, Journal of Strategic Marketing. 24(1), 34-46.

Melhorn, J.E., Bonney, L., Fraser, N., and Miles, M.P. (2015).  Benchmarking Entrepreneurship Education in the U.S. Australia, and New Zealand University Agriculture Programs.  Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. DOI:

Miles, M.P., Franklin, G., Grimmer, M. and Heriot, K. (2015). An exploratory study of the perceptions of AACSB International's 2013 Accreditation Standards, Journal of International Education in Business. 8(1), 2-17.

Grimmer, L., Grimmer, M., & Miles, M.P. (2015).  A research note on the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on small retailer performance: A resource-advantage perspective, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 11:409–424

Kasouf, C., Morrish, S., and Miles, M.P. (2015). The moderating role of explanatory style between experience and entrepreneurial self-efficacy, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 11, 1–17.

Grimmer, M., Miles, M.P., Polonsky, M.J., and Vocino, A.  (2015). The effectiveness of life-cycle pricing for consumer durables. Journal of Business Research, 68(7), 1602-1606.

Miles, M.P., Gilmore, A., Herrington, P., & Lewis, G. (2015).  Exploring Entrepreneurial Marketing.  Journal Strategic Marketing. 23(2), 94-111.

Von Bergen, C.W. & Miles, M.P.  (2015). Social negative option marketing:  A partial response to one of Spotswood, French, Tapp and Stead's (2012) "uncomfortable questions," Journal of Social Marketing. 5(2), 125-138.

Miles, M.P., Shepherd, C.D., Rose, J.M., and Dibben, M. (2015). Collegiality in business schools:  Measurement and implications. International Journal of Educational Management. 29(3), 322-333.

Harrigan, P. and Miles, M.P. (2014).  From e-CRM to s-CRM.  Critical factors underpinning the social CRM activities of SMEs.  Small Enterprise Research, 21(1), 99-116.

Polonsky, M.J., Vocino, A., Grimmer, M., and Miles, M.P. (2014). The Interrelationship between Temporal and Environmental Orientation and Pro-Environmental Consumer Behavior, International Journal of Consumer Studies. 36(6), 612-619.

Miles, M.P., Franklin, G., Heriot, K., Hadley, L., and Hazeldine, M. (2014). AACSB International's 2013 Accreditation Standards:  Implications for Faculty and Deans, Journal of International Education in Business. 7(2), 86-107.

Miles, M.P., Verreynne, M-L, & Luke, B. (2014). Social Enterprises and the Performance Advantages of a Vincentian Marketing Orientation, Journal of Business Ethics. 123(4), 549-556.

Ahmadi, H., O'Cass, A., & Miles, M.P. (2014).  Product resource–capability complementarity, integration mechanisms, and first product advantage, Journal of Business Research. 67(5), 704-709.

Lewis, G., Miles, M.P., Crispin, S., Bonney, L., Woods, M., Fei, J., and Ayala, S. (2014). Branding as innovation within agribusiness value chains.  Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. 16(2), 146-162.

Lehman, K., Fillis, I. and Miles, M.P. (2014). The art of entrepreneurial market creation. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. 16(2), 163-182.

Woods, M. & Miles, M.P. (2014). Collaborative Development of Enterprise Policy: A Process Model for Developing Evidence-Based Policy Recommendations Using Community Focused Strategic Conversations and SERVQUAL, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 27(3), 174-189.

Crispin, S., McAuley, A., Dibben, M., Hoell, R.C. and Miles, M.P.  (2013). To Teach or Try: A Continuum of Approaches to Entrepreneurship Education in Australasia.  American Journal of Entrepreneurship 6(2), 94-109.

Miles, M.P., Verreynne, M-L, Luke, B., Eversole, R., and Barraket, J. (2013). The relationship of entrepreneurial orientation, Vincentian values and economic and social performance in social enterprise, Review of Business, 33(2), 91-102.

Bonney, L., Collins, R., Verreynne, M-L. & Miles, M.P. (2013).  A note on entrepreneurship as an alternative logic to address food security in the developing world, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. 18(3).  DOI: 10.1142/S1084946713500167

Verreynne, M., Miles, M.P., & Harris, C. (2013).  A short note on entrepreneurship as method:  A social enterprise perspective, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 9(1), 113-128.

Gilmore, A., Kraus, S., O'Dwyer, M., & Miles, M.P. (2012).  Strategic marketing management in small and medium-sized enterprises, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 8, 141-143.

Darroch, J., & Miles, M.P. (2011).  A research note on market creation in the pharmaceutical industry.  Journal of Business Research, 64(7), 723-727.

Morrish, S., Miles, M.P., & Polonsky, M.J. (2011). An exploratory study of sustainability as a stimulus for corporate entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 18, 162-171.

Polonsky, M.J., Miles, M.P., Grau, S. (2011).  Climate change regulations: Implications for business executives, European Business Review, 23(4), 368-383.

Miles, M.P., Morrish, S.C., Little, V., & Brookes, R. (2011).  A short note on corporate venturing for technology acquisition, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 13, 126-133.

Miles, M.P., Crispin, S., & Kasouf, C.J. (2011).  Entrepreneurship's relevance to marketing, Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 13(2), 126-136.

White, J.B., Miles, M.P., & White, R.P. (2011). Estimating the internal rate of return on an MBA: A comparison of the return from top-ranked & second-tier programs, Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 10(1), 67-76.

White, J.B., Miles, M.P., & White, R.P. (2011). Defined benefit vs. defined contribution retirement plans for faculty:  An exploration of the cost of a portable retirement, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 15(1), 85-98.

Morrish, S., Miles, M.P., & Deacon, J. (2010). Entrepreneurial marketing in SMEs: Acknowledging the entrepreneur and customer-centric interrelationship, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 18(4), 303-316.

Marchisio, G., Mazzola, P., Sciascia, S., Miles, M.P., & Astrachan, J. (2010). Corporate venturing in family business:  The effects on the family and its members, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 22(3-4), 349-377.

Shepherd, D.C., Marchisio, G., Morrish, S., Deacon, J. & Miles, M.P. (2010). Entrepreneurial burnout: Exploring antecedents, dimensions, and outcomes, Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 71-79.

Hazeldine, M.F. & Miles, M.P. (2010), An exploratory role analysis of opinion leaders, adopters, and communicative adopters with a dynamically continuous innovation, Journal of Applied Business Research, 26(4), 117-129.

Miles, M.P., Darroch, J. & Munilla, L.S. (2009). Sustainable Corporate Entrepreneurship, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 5(1), 65-76.

White, J.B., Lockwood, M.J., & Miles, M.P. (2009).  The Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs Act of 2007:  An extension of the impact of tax policy on informal venture investing, The Entrepreneurship Executive, 14, 25-30.

Shepherd, D., Miles, M.P. & Munilla, L.S. (2009).  Strategic sales conversations as a foundation for effective partnership selling, Journal of Business & Economics Research, 7(2), 1-7.

White, J.B., Miles, M.P., & Levernier, W.B. (2009). AACSB International and the management of its brand:  Implications for the future, Journal of Management Development, 28(5), 407-413.

Kasouf, C. J., Darroch, J., Hultman, C.M. & Miles, M.P. (2008), Service Dominant Logic:  Research implications at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship interface, Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 10(1), 57-69.

White, J.B., Levernier, W. & Miles, M.P. (2008).  Is early research productivity a predictor of long-term research productivity:  A case study of finance and marketing faculty, Palmetto Business Review, 11, 22-26.

Miles, M.P. & Darroch, J. (2008).  A commentary on current research at the marketing and entrepreneurship interface, Journal of Small Business Management. 46(1), 46-49.

Hills, G.E., Hultman, C.M., & Miles, M.P. (2008).  The evolution and development of entrepreneurial marketing, Journal of Small Business Management. 46(1), 99-112.

Covin, J.G. & Miles, M.P. (2007).  The Strategic Use of Corporate Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 31(2), 183-207.

Miles, M.P., Kerkley, W.W., & Darroch, J. (2007).  The case of Mexicali Fresh:  Bring a Restaurant to New Zealand, Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 9, 102-114.

Teach, R.D., Miles, M.P., & Hansen, D.J. (2007).  Academic career opportunities in entrepreneurial marketing:  Revisiting Teach & Miles (1997), Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 10, 85-100.

Hazeldine, M.F. & Miles, M.P. (2007).  Measuring entrepreneurship in business schools, Journal of Education for Business, 82(4), 234-240.

Miles, M.P. & Darroch, J.  (2006). Large firms, entrepreneurial marketing and the cycle of competitive advantage, European Journal of Marketing, 40(5/6), 485-501.

White, E.P., White, J.B. & Miles, M.P. (2006). Is it as risky as it seems?  A short note on how tax policy impacts informal venture investing, Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 12(1), 109-117.

Miles, M.P., Munilla, L., Darroch, J. (2006). The role of strategic conversations with stakeholders in the formation of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy, Journal of Business Ethics, 69, 195-205.

Munilla, L. & Miles, M. (2005). The Corporate Social Responsibility Continuum as a Component of Stakeholder Theory, Business & Society Review, 110 (4), 371-387.

Darroch, J., Miles, M.P., & Buisson, T. (2005). Patenting strategy of entrepreneurial orientated firms in New Zealand, International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal, 1(1), 45-59.

Darroch, J., Miles, M.P., & Paul, C. (2005). Corporate venturing and the rent cycle, Technovation, 25, 1437-1442.

Randall, J., Dorsch, M.J., & Miles, M.P. (2005). A short note on poker, publishing, and working like mad not to perish:  An entrepreneurial perspective of the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 13(4), 1-4.

White, J.B., Levernier, W. & Miles, M.P. (2005). The Effect of the 2003 AACSB Standards on Academic Salaries, Coastal Business Journal, 4(1), 43-50.

Randall, J., Miles, M.P., & Randall, C. (2004). An attempt to make marketing theory useful: The foundations of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice and the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 12(4), 1-9.

Darroch, J., Miles, M.P., Jardine, A., & Cooke, E. (2004). The 2004 AMA Definition of Marketing and its Relationship to a Market Orientation: An Extension of Cooke, Rayburn, & Abercrombie (1992), Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 12(4), 29-38.

Miles, M.P., & Munilla, L. (2004). The potential impact of social accountability certification on marketing:  A Short Note, Journal of Business Ethics, 50(1), 1-11.

Miles, M.P., Hazeldine, M. & Munilla, L. (2004). A short note on the 2003 AACSB accreditation standards and its implications for marketing faculty, Journal of Education for Business, 80(1), 29-34.

Vitale, R., Giglierano, J., & Miles, M.P. (2004). An exploratory study of self-administrated quick-audits as a management diagnostic to assess marketing and the entrepreneurial orientations in established and startup firms, Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 6(1), 64-77.

Fletcher, L., & Miles, M.P., (2004). The unintended consequences imposed on SMEs and venture funding by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Journal of Private Equity, 8(1), 70-75.

Miles, M.P., Munilla, L. & Covin, J. (2004).  Innovation, ethics, and entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Ethics, 54, 97-101.

Wise, S. & Miles, M.P. (2004). The internal revenue service as a stimulus to the entrepreneurial search process, Business Forum, 26(1, 2), 8-12.

Miles, M.P., Paul, C., & Wilhite, A. (2003). Modeling corporate entrepreneurship as rent-seeking competition, Technovation, 23, 393-400.

Wise, S., & Miles, M.P. (2003). The R&D tax credit and its implications for SMEs, Journal of Applied Business Research, 19(3), 11-17.

Miles, M.P., Munilla, L., & Covin, J. (2002). The constant gardener revisited: The effect of social blackmail on the marketing concept, Journal of Business Ethics, 41(3), 287-295.

Miles, M.P., & Covin, J. (2002).  Exploring the practice of corporate venturing: Some common forms and their organizational implications, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 26(3), 21-40.

White, J., Miles, M.P., & White, E. (2001). University sponsored venture capital funds: An exploratory study, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 13(1), 129-134.

White, J., Miles, M.P., and Smith, M. (2001).  A short note on the interrelationship between marketing productivity and financial performance for global small and medium sized enterprise, Irish Marketing Review, 14(1), 55-60.

Miles, M.P. and Covin, J. (2000). Environmental Marketing: A Source of Reputational, Competitive, and Financial Advantage, Journal of Business Ethics, 23(3), 299-311.

Miles, M.P., Heeley, M. and Covin, J. (2000). The relationship between environmental dynamism and small firm structure, strategy, and performance, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 8(2), 63-78.

Randall, J., Randall, C. and Miles, M.P. (2000). An Exploratory Cross-Cultural Assessment of a Japanese Sales Force Selection Technique: The Use of Blood Type as a Sales Force Screening Tool, Marketing Management Journal, 10(1), 116-120.

Randall, J., Miles, M.P. and Randall, C. (1999). The Inception and Growth of the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 7(4), 1-7.

White, J., Levernier, W. and Miles, M.P. (1999). The Investment Management of Promotion Expenditures: A Value to Sales Multiplier Perspective, Research in Finance, 17, 191-199.

Covin, J. and Miles, M.P. (1999). Corporate entrepreneurship and the pursuit of competitive advantage, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 23(3), 47-63.

Miles, M.P., Munilla, L. and McClurg, T. (1999). The impact of ISO 14000 environmental management standards on small and medium sized enterprises, Journal of Quality Management, 4(1), 111-122.

White, J. and Miles, M.P. (1999). Last year's winners as this year's picks: An analysis of recent hindsight as a mutual fund trading rule, Journal of Financial and Strategic Decisions, 12(1), 69-72.

White, J. and Miles, M.P. (1998). The managerial imperative of evaluation non-capital expenditures within a capital budgeting context, Journal of Financial and Strategic Decisions, 11(2), 61-66.

Munilla, L., Bleicken, L. and Miles, M.P. (1998). Social responsibility and AACSB accreditation standards: How ISO 14000 can integrate environmental issues into the marketing curriculum, Marketing Education Review, 8(3), 57-66.

Miles, M.P.P. and White, J. (1998).  Setting socially irresponsible marketing objectives: A comment on a 'Quality of life approach, European Journal of Marketing, 32(5/6), 413-419.

Russell, G. and Miles, M.P. (1998). The definition and perception of Quality in ISO-9000 Certified Firms, Review of Business, 19(3), 13-16.

Miles, M.P., Munilla, L. and Russell, G. (1997). Marketing and environmental registration/certification: What industrial marketers should understand about ISO 14000, Industrial Marketing Management, 26(4), 363-370.

Teach, R. and Miles, M.P. (1997). The academic career opportunities for doctoral students interested in the marketing/entrepreneurship interface: An exploratory study of U.S. institutions, Marketing Education Review, 7(3), 23-28.

Fletcher, L. and Miles, M.P. (1997). Small business and fraud: An exploratory study of small manufacturers, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 9(2), 61-67.

Miles, M.P. and Russell, G. (1997). ISO 14000: Integration of environmental marketing, total quality management, and corporate environmental policy, Journal of Quality Management, 2(1), 151-168.

Miles, M.P., White, J. and Munilla, L. (1997). The utilization of strategic planning techniques by agricultural cooperatives: An exploratory study into the effect of firm size, British Food Journal, 99(1), 401-408.

Wise, S. and Miles, M.P. (1997). Corporate sponsorship of sports events and tax implications: is there an opportunity for global co-ordination? International Marketing Review, 14(3), 183-195.

Miles, M.P., White, J. and Munilla, L. (1997). Advertising budgeting practices in agribusiness: The case of farmer cooperatives, Industrial Marketing Management, 26(1), 31-40.

White, J., Miles, M.P. and Munilla, L. (1997). An exploratory study into the adoption of capital budgeting techniques by non-profit organizations: The case of agricultural cooperatives, British Food Journal, 99(4), 128-132.

Lewis, B., Cordell, K., Miles, M.P. and McDonald, B. (1997). The political and technical issues involved with large scale publicly funded research: The case of the U.S. National Recreation Survey Series, International Journal of Management, 14(3), 359-366.

White, J. and Miles, M.P. (1996). The financial implications of advertising as an investment, Journal of Advertising Research, 36(4), 43-52.

Miles, M.P., Russell, G. and Arnold, D. (1995). The quality orientation: An emerging business orientation? Review of Business, 17(1), 7-15.

Reagan, C., Capella, L. and Miles, M.P. (1995). Adaptive selling to the professional services market: Utilizing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to direct style flexing, Journal of Professional Services Marketing (now Services Marketing Quarterly), 11(2), 23-44.

Wise, S., Miles, M.P. and White, J. (1995). A tax perspective of professional services marketing: The acquisition of customer based intangibles, Journal of Professional Services Marketing (now Services Marketing Quarterly) 12(1), 85-94.

Wise, S., Miles, M.P. and Forbes, S. (1995). Sullivan financial services: A case study in the tax implications of basis for investors, Journal of the International Academy of Case Studies, 1, 48-49.

White, J., Miles, M.P. and Levernier, W. (1994). The real and the shadow labor market for business faculty at domestic AACSB accredited institutions, Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, 10(1), 58-61.

Miles, M.P, White, J. and Arnold, D. (1994). Power, channel structure, and inter-firm influence strategy, International Journal of Management, 11(4), 870-878.

Miles, M.P., Blodgett, M., Robideaux, D. and White, J. (1994). Excellence in exporting: A case Study of Rotary Corporation, Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 1(1), 49-51.

Cotter, M., Miles, M.P. and Henley, J. (1994). Strategy as a culturally dependent phenomenon: The interpretation of Japanese corporate strategy through the analysis of aikido, Journal of Business Strategies, 11(1), 63-75.

Miles, M.P., Thompson, D. and Capella, L. (1994). A small business perspective of retail trade area analysis models, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 6(3), 59-70.

Munilla, L. and Miles, M.P. (1994). The readability of entrepreneurship and small business journals: An empirical analysis, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 6(2), 61-72.

Miles, M.P., Ritzel, F., Cordell, K. and McDonald, B. (1994). African American participation in wildland outdoor recreation, Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 2(4), 63-77.

Capella, L. and Miles, M.P. (1993). Applying consumer service marketing techniques to the practice of wildland outdoor recreation management, Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing, 1 (3), 41-62.

Miles, M.P., Good, D., McDonald, B., Schultz, R. and Capella, L. (1993). Family decision making: An exploratory study of the wilderness recreation market, Psychology and Marketing, 10 (2), 131-149.

Miles, M.P., McDonald, B., Capella, L. and Cordell, K (1993). A proposed segmentation framework for the outdoor recreation market, Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 1 (1), 51-69.

White, J. and Miles, M.P. (1993). Capital budgeting for small business: An appropriate modification of net present value, Journal of Small Business Finance, 3 (1), 79-95.

Miles, M.P., White, J. and Robideaux, D. (1993). The effect of firm size on the interrelationship between strategic planning tools and capital budgeting techniques, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 5 (3), 87-97.

Miles, M.P., Arnold, D. and Thompson, D. (1993). The interrelationship between environmental hostility and entrepreneurial orientation, Journal of Applied Business Research, 9 (4), 12-23.

Robideaux, D., Miles, M.P. and White, J. (1993). Codes of ethics and firm size: A stakeholder approach to strategic planning, International Journal of Value Based Management (merged with Journal of Business Ethics), 6 (1), 49-60.

Miles, M.P. and Munilla, L. (1993). The eco-orientation: An emerging business philosophy? Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 1 (2), 43-51.

Wise, S. and Miles, M.P. (1993). Corporate sponsorship, football bowl games, and the internal revenue service, Review of Business, 15 (2), 30-33.

Miles, M.P., White, J. and White, L. (1993). Why governors run? An analysis of the financial implications of campaigning for public office, Journal of Financial and Strategic Decisions, 6 (1),  47-58.

Randall, J. and Miles, M.P. (1992). A new Weltanschauung: An integration of marketing theory and practice, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 1 (1), 1-9.

Miles, M.P., Thompson, D. and Arnold, D. (1992). The degree of marketing and entrepreneurial orientation in spinoff and non-spinoff organizations, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 4 (2), 67-75.

Miles, M.P., Robideaux, D., White, J. and Arnold, D. (1992). The effect of firm size on the utilization of strategic planning techniques: An exploratory study, Lander College Business Review, 6 (1), 3-9.

White, J., Miles, M.P., and Randall, J. (1992). Innovative financial technologies to facilitate trade with Eastern Europe, Journal of Applied Business Research, 8 (3), 101-110.

Levernier, W., Miles, M.P. and White, J. (1992). Effects of AACSB accreditation on academic salaries, Journal of Education for Business, 68 (1), 55-60.

Miles, M.P. and Arnold, D. (1991). The relationship between marketing orientation and entrepreneurial orientation, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 15 (4), 49-65.

White, J., Miles, M.P., Robideaux, D. and Arnold, D. (1991). An exploratory study into the effect of firm size on the utilization of capital budgeting techniques, Lander College Business Review, 5 (1), 7-11.

White, J. and Miles, M.P. (1990). A proposed capital budgeting technique for liquidity constrained small businesses, Journal of Small Business Strategy, 1 (2), 36-46 1990.

Miles, M.P. and Arnold, D. (1990). What marketers know about the impact of the effective frequency construct, Journal of Media Planning, 5 (1), 42-55.

Miles, M.P., Arnold, D. and Nash, H. (1990). Adaptive communication: The adaptation of the seller's interpersonal style to the stage of the dyad's relationship and the buyer's communication style, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 10 (1), 21-27.

Randall, J, White, J. and Miles, M.P. (1990). A proposed system to finance consumer goods in Eastern Bloc Europe: Utilizing financial technologies to deal in non-traded currencies, Journal of Global Business, 1 (1), 34-39.

Other Publications

Bliemel, M., De Klerk, S., Flores, S. and Miles, M.P. (forthcoming). Emergence of Accelerators and Accelerator Policy: The Case of Australia, Book chapter in (Eds., Wright. M. and Drori. I.) Accelerators. Edgar Elgar Publishers.

Meinke, H., Bonney, L., Evans, K. and Miles, M.P. (Forthcoming). Tasmania's bioeconomy: Using all capitals to  all capitals to sustain innovative and entrepreneurial agrifood value chains. In: Dabbert, S., Lewandowski, I., Weiss, J. and Pyka, A. (eds.), Knowledge-driven Developments in the Bioeconomy ‐ Technological and Economic Perspectives. Economic Complexity and Evolution Series, Springer International.

Jones, R., Morrish, S., Deacon, J., and Miles, M.P. (Forthcoming). Entrepreneurial marketing in small enterprises: current and emerging research topics.  SAGE Handbook for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Bliemel, M., Flores, R., De Klerk, S., and Miles, M.P. (2016).  The role and performance of accelerators in the Australasian startup ecosystem. Report for the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation & Science, February, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.

Bonney, L., Castles, A., Eversole, R., Miles, M.P., Woods, M. (2015). Accounting for agriculture in place-based frameworks for regional development. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.

Deacon, J.H., Miles, M.P. and Morrish, S.C. (2014). "Entrepreneurial Marketing", in Morris, M.H. and Kuratko, D.F. (eds.), (2014), Wiley Encyclopedia of Management: Entrepreneurship, Volume 3, Chichester, UK: Wiley Publishing, pp. 254-258.

Darroch, J. and Miles, M.P. (2013).  "Market Creation as an Entrepreneurial Marketing Process," accepted for publication in ed. Sethna, Z., R. Jones, and P. Harrigan, Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Global Perspective, Bingley, UK: Emerald, 179-196.

Kasouf, C., Morrish, S. and Miles, M.P. (2013). "The interrelationships between entrepreneurial experience, explanatory style, effectuation and entrepreneurial self-efficacy," accepted for publication in ed. Sethna, Z., R. Jones, and P. Harrigan, Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Global Perspective, Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Darroch, J. and Miles, M.P. (2010).  "Sources of Innovation," in ed. O'Connor, G. Technology and Innovation Management, Blackwell, Oxford, 97-103.

Hills, G.E., Hultman, C.M, & Miles, M.P. (2007).  "Entrepreneurial marketing and university education," in ed. A. Fayolle, Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education, Vol 1. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham: UK,219-229.

Hazeldine, M.F. and Miles, M.P. (2007).  "Marketing research for isolated SMEs," in ed. D. Hine & D. Carson, Innovative methodologies in enterprise research Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham: UK,203-213.

Covin, J. and Miles, M.P. (2005). "Corporate entrepreneurship and the pursuit of competitive advantage," in ed. S. Zahra, The International Library of Entrepreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham: UK,605-621.

Miles, M.P. and Covin, J. (2005).  "Exploring the Practice of Corporate Venturing: Some Common Forms and their Organizational Implications," in ed. S. Zahra, The International Library of Entrepreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham: UK,122-141.

Miles, M.P. (2005). "Competitive Advantage," in eds. M. Hitt & D. Ireland, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management – Entrepreneurship Encyclopedia, 36-37.

Miles, M.P. and Covin, J. (2001). Corporate Venturing the Chemistry of Business Growth, University of Cambridge, Judge Institute of Management Studies, Cambridge, England.

Hills, G. and Miles, M.P. (2000).  "Entrepreneurship Education: A Marketing Perspective," in F. Rushing ed., Private Enterprise, Georgia State University Press: Atlanta, 217-242.

Cordell, K, McDonald, B., Lewis, B. and Miles, M.P. (1996). "The National Survey on Recreation and the Environment," in G. Cushman , A. Veal, & J. Zuzanek, Free Time in the Global Village, Sydney: C.A.B. International.

Miles, M.P. and Munilla, L. (1995). "The Eco-Marketing Orientation: An Emerging Business Philosophy?" in M. Polonsky and A. Mintus, Advances in Environmental Marketing: New Developments in Practice, Theory, and Research, Binghamton New York: The Haworth Press, Inc.