Ana Milena Torres Ahumada


Ana Milena Torres Ahumada

LLB (Hons) University of Cartegena, LLB (Hons) UWS, Grad Diploma in Tertiary Ed U of Cartegena, PgDL (UWS), LLM (Hons) UWS, Grad Cert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, CSU

Lecturer in Law
Building 1411

Prior to joining CSU School of Accounting and Finance, Ana taught law at the University of Western Sydney and the University of Wollongong.  Her teaching experience includes tutoring and mentoring indigenous students and students with special disabilities studying law.  She has professional experience in the practice of criminal and business law. Her working history includes positions as an adult educator, legal officer to a federal parliamentarian, legal researcher, and public prosecutor. Ana was admitted as a lawyer of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 2008.  Ana is currently undertaking her PhD at the University of Canberra.

Ana's teaching philosophy is based on supporting the self-directed learning of her students.  Her teaching is inspired by Constructivist theory which is premised on the belief that learners ought to construct their own meaning and interpretation. She is a reflective teacher who has developed strategies for evaluating the impact of her teaching in student learning.  Ana has used her knowledge of this field to design an innovative approach to teaching business students, consisting of context (reaffirming the value of legal content for future professional practices), non-traditional (reflective, dynamic, and uses of CSU technology that are not completely modular), to appeal to different types of learners and their particular motivations and learning styles.


Teaching Responsibilities

  • LAW515 Employment Law
  • LAW110 Business Law


Research Focus:

  • Examine legal and judicial responses in Australia to issues related to gender, race, sexual preference, and social disadvantage
  • Legal education
  • Methods of assessments
  • Teaching law to interdisciplinary students
  • The impact of culture on Indigenous businesses
  • Anti-Discrimination law and human resources policies
  • Teaching law to interdisciplinary students

Honours Research:

  • "The applicability of the Battered Woman Syndrome to gay males and lesbian women who kill their batterers" ( LLM (Hons) UWS)
  • "Legal responses to cultural and gender differences: A comparative study of civil and criminal cases" (LLB (Hons) (UWS)

Commonwealth scholarships:

  • $60,000 - Masters by Research

Awards & Grants:

  • 2014 Sustained excellence in teaching award, Faculty of Business
  • 2012 UWS Research Training Scheme: $3500
  • 2012 UWS School of Law Research Support Grant: $750


University Service

  • Member, Workload Committee, Faculty of Business, CSU
  • Member, Teaching and Learning Committee, Faculty of Business, CSU


  • CSU School of Humanities & Social Sciences Research Seminar Series Program
  • Independent advisor for the Wammarra Centre for Indigenous Education
  • Member of the UWS Research Cluster group
  • UWS Social Justice Research Cluster