Anwaar Ulhaq

Adjunct Staff

Dr Anwaar Ulhaq

PhD (Monash), OELP (Oxford), PCMAI (MIT), HETC (Harvard), GCTE (VU)

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Dr. Anwaar Ulhaq was a senior lecturer at the School of Computing, Mathematics, and Engineering, Charles Sturt University. Anwaar holds a Ph.D. (Artificial Intelligence) from Monash University, Australia. He completed the Professional Certificate Program in machine learning and artificial intelligence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has extensive teaching and research experience from reputed Australian universities including Victoria University, Swinburne University of Technology, and Central Queensland University.  He has also worked as a research fellow at Institute for Sustainable Industries & Liveable Cities, Victoria University, Australia. He received Faculty Research Award in 2021 and Teaching Excellence Award in 2019 at CSU.  His research interests include artificial creativity, deep learning, data analytics, and computer vision. He has published more than 60 peer-reviewed papers in reputed journals and conferences.

Anwaar's Google Scholar profile can be found at:

Areas of Research Interest

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Vision and Deep Learning
  • Thermal Imaging and Night Vision
  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Data and Business Analytics
  • Blockchain Technology and Computer Ethics
  • Reinforcement Learning

Research Grants

    1. Anwaar Ulhaq (Co-Investigator) with CSU Cyber Security Team, SCATES: Securing Critical Agriculture Technology and Emerging Solutions, Cyber Security CRCAUD 1350000.

    2. Anwaar Ulhaq (Chief- Investigator) and others,  Regional Mental Health Research Institute  Fellowship, Manna Institute, 42150 AUD.

    3. Anwaar Ulhaq, Peter Adam, Tanya Cox, Prof. Manoranjan Paul Automated thermal imagery analysis platform for multiple pest species. A$350,000, Center for Invasive species solutions, Funding, 2020-2022.

    4. Anwaar Ulhaq (Chief Investigator), Prof. Ajmal Mian, Automated Animal Species Detection and their habitat Identification using deep Visual analytics of UAV Thermal Imagery A$50,000, Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Research Funding, 2019-2020.

    5. Professor Oliver Burmeister, Anwaar Ulhaq (co-investigator), Associate Professor Russell Roberts, Adjunct Associate Professor Susan Field, Dr. Holly Randell-Moon and Dr. Sabih Rehman, Technology in Homes project Evaluation, MidCoast Assist (Ageing Services) AUD 20,000, 2019-2020.

    6. Manoranjan Paul, Anwaar Ulhaq (co-investigator), Subrata Chakraborty (UTS), Manash Saha (Manning Hospital, NSW), Motiur Rahaman, Tanmoy Debnath, The Corona Score: Assessment and monitor the progression of COVID-19 using artificial intelligence with multi-modal data, AUD 30,000.

    7. Ashad Kabir, Anwaar Ulhaq (co-investigator), Oliver Burmeister, Lihong Zheng, Zahid Islam, Faizur Rahman (Google) Designing privacy-preserving and secure contact tracing mobile apps to combat COVID-19, AUD 12,000.

    8. Anwaar Ulhaq (Chief Investigator), Charles Sturt University Research Development Fund 2019.  A$10000

    9. Victoria University Research Infrastructure Fund 2016, Dell PowerEdge Server and lab development for medical image data storage and processing, Xiaoxia Yin, June he, Yuan Miao, Anwaar Ulhaq (co-investigator), and Yanchun Zhang, A$107,000.

    10. Anwaar Ulhaq (Chief Investigator), Victoria University Teaching and Learning grant 2016, Interactive Classroom with duplex communication embedded into VU Collaborate, and Prof. Yuan Miao, A$6500.

Professional Services

  1. General Chair, The International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA2023).
  2. Guest Editor: Special Issue ”Advances in Object and Activity Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery”, A special issue of MDPI Remote Sensing (ISSN 2072-4292). Impact factor 4.05, SJR: Q1 Journal. To be published in 2021.
  3. General Workshop Chair: The ninth Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT 2019, Sydney, Australia. from 18th to 22nd November 2019.
  4. Publicity Chair: Applied Statistics and Policy Analysis Conference 2019.
  5. Reviewer: CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, WACV, IEEE Trans on Multimedia, IEEE Trans on Image Processing.

HDR Research Supervision

Graduated HDR Students :

Douglas Pinto Gomes (Ph.D.): Douglas (2020) Vegetation High-Impedance Fault Detection and Characterization using Machine Learning. Ph.D. thesis, Victoria University.

Ravinder Singh (Ph.D.): Singh, Ravinder (2021) Extracting Human Behaviour and Personality Traits from Social Media. Ph.D. thesis, Victoria University.

Adam Poulsen (Ph.D.) (2022) - Topic: “Design of ethical robots for Aged care), Ph.D. thesis, Charles Sturt  University

Asim Khan (Ph.D.)-, Topic: “Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Urban Vegetation Management “m Ph.D. thesis, Victoria University.

In progress HDR Students:

Faranak Touhidi (PhD):, Topic : “3D LiDar data Compression

Md. Ershadul Islam (Ph.D.): Topic: “Quantum Image Compression”


  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Australian Computer Society (ACS)
  • The Australian Pattern Recognition Society (IAPR)