Mostafa Dahshan


Dr Mostafa Dahshan

PhD (Electrical & Computer Engineering, Univ of Oklahoma, USA), MSc (Telecom Systems, Univ of Oklahoma, USA), BSc (Computer Engineering, Cairo Univ, Egypt)

Lecturer in Computing

Mostafa received his Bachelor of Computer Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt in 1999. He also received his MSc in Telecom Systems and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Oklahoma, United States in 2002 and 2006, respectively.

Between 2002 and 2005, Mostafa worked as a Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Oklahoma, administering the Interoperability Lab network and assisting students with different network research tools and equipment. From 2005 to 2007, he has worked as an IT Specialist at the University of Oklahoma, developing web applications and providing IT service and support.

In 2007, Mostafa joined King Saud University, Saudi Arabia as an Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering. He has taught several subjects in the areas of Computer Networks, Network Security, and Network Programming. He has also published several high-quality journal and conference papers, supervised several theses and capstone projects, participated in several academic accreditation committees, and developed several solutions to enhance the academic productivity and teaching experience. In recognition of his academic performance, Mostafa was promoted to Associate Professor in 2017 and was elected to the Senior Member grade by IEEE in 2018.

In October 2018, Mostafa joined the School of Computing and Mathematics at Charles Sturt University as a Lecturer in Computing. He has contributed to the development of several subjects including Programming Principles, Cloud Computing, Introduction to the Web, and Web Programming in the Cloud. Mostafa is passionate about programming, teaching and utilising technology in education. Mostafa is a Certified Professional of the Australian Computer Society.


  • ITC106 Programming Principles
  • ITC212 Internet Technologies
  • ITC358 IT Security
  • ITC561 Cloud Computing
  • ITC593 Network Security and Cryptography
  • ITC595 Information Security


Research Interests include:

  • Cyber Security
  • Cloud Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Technology in Education


  • Senior Member IEEE
  • ACS Certified Professional