PhD (Monash), MSc (Japan), BSc Dr Mamun is a Lecturer of Computing in the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics. He earned BSc Engineering degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Masters degree (by research) in Global Information and Telecommunication Studies from Waseda University Japan, and PhD degree with the specialisation in distributed computing from Monash University, Australia. Dr Mamun is a Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), ACS (Australian Computer Society), IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers), EAI (European Alliance for Innovation). He served as publication chair in Securecomm 2013, editor for International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT), technical Program Committee of IEEE ICC, IEEE WCNC, IEEE Globecomm, ARCHER conferences, reviewers of MDPI Sensors and Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journals. Quazi has a passion for sports. He was a Victorian Premier Cricket umpire for many years, and is now serving as an umpire in the Wagga Wagga District Cricket Association. Besides this, Quazi is also a Tennis Australia accredited tennis umpire and he has served in the Grand Slam Australian Open as a line umpire. Quazi's learning and teaching philosophy in three points can by depicted answering three simple questions: 1. To What End? : I would like to foster critical thinking, to facilitate the acquisition of life-long learning skills, to prepare students to function effectively, and to develop problem-solving strategies. 2. By What Means? : Firstly, by motivating the students. I like to make my lectures interesting by using animations, by showing real life examples connected with the theories, by increasing interaction in the class room, and by making the students working collaboratively in tutes and labs. 3. Why? : Because when I find the students solve a problem, I find it as a wonderful reward of my teaching. Crafting my teaching goals can be summarised as attempting to: Work at the students' level and show my concern and respect for students and their learning needs. I care for my students and make an extra effort to satisfy their needs. I always make myself available for scheduled student consultation and effectively respond to students' queries and problems on time. I teach the following subjects: Quazi's research interests include, but not limited to, distributed systems, ad hoc and sensor networks, wireless networks, privacy and security in information networks. He is an active member of Advanced Networks Research Lab (ANRL) and ICT Security Group, School of Computing and Mathematics of Charles Sturt University. He actively publishes in international conferences, symposiums, workshops, and refereed journals. Quazi currently supervises: Any potential PhD students are encouraged to contact him via email at to see possibilities of scholarships and discuss research interests. Academic and Administrative Leadership Esteem and Scholarship Indicators Research Funding/Scholarships: Professorial Staff
Associate Professor Quazi Mamun
Before joining Charles Sturt, Quazi worked as a sessional academic and guest Lecturer in the Faculty of Information Technology of Monash University. He was also a Lecturer and Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Asia Pacific.Teaching
Professional Activities