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The School of Policing Studies (SOPS) is Australia's leading provider of police recruit level training.

The School of Policing Studies and the NSW Police Force have formed a unique partnership to design, develop and deliver tertiary courses in policing. The partnership is an important strategy in the development of police recruit level training in NSW. The resources of both a large residential police academy and a responsive and progressive university have been brought together to provide a balanced, innovative service in police recruit level training and education.

Subjects have been designed in extensive consultation with police, the justice community and academics. This ensures subjects are vocationally relevant and up-to-date, producing ethical and professional graduates ready for a rapidly changing police and community environment. Many of the staff are either former police officers or expert practitioners in policing related disciplines such as communications and ethics. This gives the School a strong practical teaching focus.

For support and location information.


Associate Degree in Policing Practice

Entry level associate degree course into the NSW Police Force.

University Certificate in Workforce Essentials

Enabling course which is a mandatory pre-entry level requirement for those aspiring to pursue a career in the New South Wales Police Force, including entry into the Associate Degree in Policing Practice