Emma Colvin

Academic Staff

Associate Professor Emma Colvin

PhD (Monash), MCrim (Melb), Grad Cert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (CSU), Grad Cert Risk Management (Deakin), BA (Melb), LLB (UNE)

Associate Professor in Law and Criminology
Building 1400 Room 2.2

Dr Emma Colvin, LLB (UNE), BA, MCrim (Melb), PhD (Monash), is an Associate Professor in Law and Criminology in the Centre for Law and Justice at Charles Sturt University.

Emma served as NSW Representative for the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) from 2018-2020 and is currently co-convenor of the ANZSOC Thematic Group Children, Young People and the Criminal Justice System.  She was formerly Co-Editor of Salus Journal and Editor of PacifiCrim, the newsletter of ANZSOC.  She was the Managing Editor of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology (2010-2012).

Associate Professor Colvin's research explores different aspects of access to justice for vulnerable/marginalised groups.  Her most recent projects have explored access to tertiary education for care leavers, bail decision-making in Australia, and the criminalisation of children in out-of-home-care.  She has been awarded funding from the Collier Charitable Fund and the Australian Institute of Criminology.  Emma is the Faculty Research Area Leader for the Law, Justice and Resilience research group and Postgraduate Coordinator for the Centre for Law and Justice.  Emma has served on many university and community committees including the Bathurst Community Safety Committee and is currently a member of the Indigenous Board of Studies.  She previously researched/taught in Criminology at Monash University and Legal Studies at La Trobe University.  Prior to entering academia, Dr Colvin was a broker in the risk management and insurance industry.


Emma teaches into both the Bachelor of Criminal Justice and the Bachelor of Laws at Charles Sturt University.

In addition to research supervision, Emma teaches the following undergraduate subjects:

  • JST110 Criminal Justice in Society
  • JST205 Criminology: History and Theory
  • JST309 Indigenous Communities and Policing
  • LAW546 Ethics, Advocacy and Human Rights


Emma is available for Honours and PhD Supervision in her research areas of interest:

  • Bail
  • Care and Criminalisation
  • Court processes and procedures
  • Access to justice
  • Therapeutic jurisprudence and 'problem' solving initiatives

Current Topics Supervised:

'Rethinking Crowded Places: Creating safe and healthy areas for mass gathering' (Doctor of Public Safety)

'Independent Children's Lawyer perspectives on single expert forensic reports in child custody and child protection in Australia' (PhD)

'Media Coverage of BLM Protests' (Honours)

Completed Supervision:

2020 D Hughes, Honours thesis title: 'Police and Vulnerability in Bail Decisions'

2020 K Neuling-Lawlor, Honours thesis title: 'Institutional responses to problematic child behaviour'

2017 R Baumgaertner, Honours thesis title: ‘The Prevalence of Licit and Illicit Drug Use in Bathurst: Perceptions of Community’

2016 B Wager, Honours thesis title: ‘Efficacy of De-Radicalisation Programmes’

2013 G Warren, Masters by Coursework dissertation title: ‘The Dual Track Juvenile Justice System in Victoria’

2013 J Leard, Honours thesis title: ‘Media Reporting of Alcohol Related Violence in NSW’


Externally Funded Research Projects:

Collier Charitable Foundation $36,000 Support for Care-Experienced People into Higher Education (2020-21)

Criminology Research Council $47,496 (Category One grant), CRG 22/16-17: Children in Out-Of-Home-Care (OOHC) in the criminal justice system: The view of frontline criminal justice professionals

With Professor Alison Gerard and Associate Professor Andrew McGrath

Criminology Research Council $39,370 (Category One grant), CRG 34/16-17: Bail decision-making and pre-trial services: A comparative study of magistrates courts in four Australian states

With Dr Max Travers (UTas), Professor Rick Sarre (UniSA), Isabelle Bartkowiak-Theron (UTas), Professor Andrew Day (Deakin) and Dr Christine Bond (Griffith University).

Professional Memberships


  • Member, Indigenous Board of Studies, Charles Sturt University
  • Co-Convenor, Children and Young People in the Criminal Justice System Thematic Group, Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology


  • Committee of Management (NSW Representative), Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (2019-2020)
  • Committee of Management (Newsletter Editor), Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology, 2017-18
  • Chair, Bathurst Regional Council Community Safety Committee, 2014-2018
  • Member, Howard League for Penal Reform, 2014
  • Foundation Member, International Society for Therapeutic Jurisprudence, 2018