Vania Holt

Academic Staff

Dr Vania Holt

Phd (Law), LLB (Hons), MAppLing, BA

Lecturer in Law
Port Macquarie

Dr Vania Holt commenced her law career at a mid-tier law firm in Newcastle, NSW. When she graduated, she was successful in gaining a position in the Graduate Program at the NSW Office of Director of Public Prosecutions in Sydney. Following a successful career at the ODPP, Vania decided to complete a PhD from the University of Newcastle researching corruption regulation at the federal level in Australia. That is, does Australia need a federal anti-corruption commission? Yes, but an effective one! Vania then opened her own law firm in Newcastle, but the pull of academia became too strong and she came back to teaching at Charles Sturt University. Vania teaches now in civil law, including ethics, which is close to Vania’s heart. Abuse of power runs through all types of matters, both civil and criminal, and Vania hopes to use her research, legal experience and academic experience to teach students law in a supportive, encouraging and empowering manner.


Vania will be teaching in the LLB course and in particular, in session 1, LAW217 Civil Procedure, LAW309 Professional Legal Conduct and LAW311 Administrative Law. In session 2, Vania will be teaching LAW114 Law of Torts and LAW214 Contract Law.

In previous positions, Vania has taught Criminal Law and Procedure, Property Law, and Family Law.


Vania completed her doctorate research into corruption regulation at the federal level in Australia and whether a federal anti-corruption commission is required. Unsurprisingly, the answer is ‘Yes’. With a new National Anti-Corruption Commission at the Commonwealth level just established, Vania will be watching it closely to see that it meets its principles and objectives.


Member of the Law Society of NSW with unrestricted practising certificate.

Admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW/Federal Courts of Australia.