Peita Richards

Post-doctoral Research Fellow

Dr Peita Richards

Dip.Journ. (Macleay College), Dip.P.R. (Macleay College), B.A. (Macquarie), M.Int.Rel. (Security and Law) (Macquarie), Grad.Dip.Ed.(Sec), GCRE (ACU), Ph.D (CSU)

Research Fellow
off campus

Dr Peita L. Richards is the recipient of the Office of National Intelligence, National Intelligence Postdoctoral Grant, 2023 (project 202308). Her research is focused on extending methods developed in her doctoral research to the national intelligence priority area of “measuring reliable behavioural indicators of multiple social identity features in real world settings”.

Since submitting her PhD in 2022, Peita worked across post-doctoral research associate roles, where she supported projects focused on Indigenous communities. Her work included policy briefs for professional organisations on online safety for employees from diverse backgrounds; policy evaluations of social media training programs for Indigenous children entering high school; and policy evaluations of Aboriginal led, community-based programs to combat family violence. A Wiradjuri woman herself, Peita also worked as a Research Associate on an ARC Linkage Grant, investigating potential interventions to support Indigenous girls who runaway or are reported missing during their teenage years.

A NESA accredited teacher, over the last nine years, Peita has taught at undergraduate and postgraduate level, across three universities. She has been active in units of criminology, peace and development, Indigenous studies, social psychology, international law, international security, and social research methods. Additionally, she has worked extensively with dedicated First Nations mentoring and tutoring supporting programs across two universities, assisting students in a one-to-one capacity to achieve their own academic and professional goals.

Prior to entering education, Peita worked in the United States, where she undertook a variety of roles in political communications. Building upon a professional communications background in Australia, she was able to develop policy analysis and development skills; liaise with stakeholders; and communicate findings to a diverse range of audiences.

Peita is strongly committed to, and passionate about, solutions based research.


Current Project:

NIPG202308 “Beyond Self Reporting: Behavioural matrices used for social identity mapping of multiple social identity expressions, on multi-platform digital environments.”

Other Research Interests:
  • Social identity and performance in online environments
  • Social identity and its role in extremism, terrorism and hate crimes
  • Youth, social identity and trajectories to extremism
  • Artificial Intelligence and the concept of trust
  • The role of international law in transnational extremism
  • Indigenous identity, Indigenous social identity, and Indigenous data sovereignty


Richards, Peita L. (2023) The Aryan Spring: Twitter and the resurgence of racially-based far right extremist belief systems in the United States (Dissertation) Charles Sturt University.

Evans, P., Richards, P.L., Newton, B., Higgins, M., (2023) Missing Girls: Displacement, Disconnection and Criminalisation Gendered Violence Research Network 12 Days of Activism

Richards, Peita L., (2021) ‘Researching the far right in a world on pause: an overview of secondary, public and archival data sources’ Insights Global Network on Extremism and Terrorism.

Richards, Peita L., (2020) “Big Data and the resurgence of the far right within the United States of America” in  Ashe, S. D., Busher, J., Macklin, G. & Winter, A. (eds.) Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method & Practice. Oxon, Abingdon: Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right.

Richards, Peita L., (2020) ‘Far right narratives of COVID-19’ Insights Global Network on Extremism and Terrorism.