2022 HDR Conference

The New HDR Environment, Industry and Commercialisation

Welcome to an exceptional event showcasing higher degree research from across Charles Sturt University’s academic disciplines.

This conference provides opportunities to highlight Charles Sturt’s existing networks while encouraging new research connections within our Higher Degree Research community.  This event also provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the Innovation, Industry Partnerships and Research Commercialisation.

Join us at HDR conference 2022 to hear from our distinguished keynote speakers, research leaders, research support teams and learn about the great research projects being undertaken by Higher Degree Researchers, and don’t miss the chance to connect with the broader regional community.

Event information

Start: 12pm Wednesday 16 November 2022

Finish: 1pm Thursday 17 November 2022

Wagga RSL club

Keynote speakers

Michael Eburn

Dr Michael Eburn

Dr Eburn is the leading researcher in the area of emergency services, emergency management and the law. He is the author or co-author of three books and has made over 80 other contributions as book chapters, journal articles, professional publications and conference and professional development presentations. His blog, Australian Emergency Law, is widely read and respected throughout the sector. He has been a principal researcher on projects on law and governance funded by the Bushfire, and then the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRCs.

Michael has been an invited expert on disaster law at events hosted by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Kuala Lumpur and Geneva and an invited guest of the International Disaster Law project hosted by Roma Tre University and the University of Bologna in Italy.

More on Dr Michael Eburn

Prof John Rossiter

Professor John Rossiter

Professor John Rossiter is a recognized world expert in the field of advertising and consumer behavior and is also the inventor of a new system of social science measurement.

In the advertising field, John Rossiter is best known for his advertising and marketing communications textbooks: Rossiter and Percy (1987, 1997); Rossiter and Danaher (1998); Rossiter and Bellman (2005); and Rossiter, Percy and Bergkvist, a book due for publication in 2018.  He has also published regularly in all the major advertising journals.

More on Prof John Rossiter

Conference Program

Day One -  Wednesday - Mirage Room

12.00 pm – 12.30pm


12:30pm – 1:15pm

(45 mins)

A/Prof. Ramudu Bhanugopan | Sub-Dean (Graduate Studies), Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Prof. Lewis Bizo | Executive Dean, Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Prof. Mark Morrison | Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

A/Prof. Jason White | Director, Research Services and Dean of Graduate Studies


Opening and Acknowledgement of Country

1:15pm – 1:55pm

(40 mins)

Keynote Speaker 1

Prof. Michael Eburn | Leading researcher in emergency services law

Cascading disasters – a challenge for emergency management and for law

1:55pm - 2:35pm

(40 mins)

Keynote Speaker 2

Prof. John Rossiter | World expert in advertising & consumer behaviour

The Main Things I've Learned from My Long Career as an Academic and Applied Researcher

2:35pm – 3:05pm

(30 mins)

Keynote Speaker 3

Hon. Michael McCormack MP | Member for Riverina

Regional development and research funding

3:05pm – 3:15pm

Afternoon Tea Break (10 mins)

3:15pm – 3:30pm

(15 mins: remote)

Prof. Mark Evans | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) - Online

Publishing from your doctoral thesis

3:30pm – 5:30pm

(15 minutes for each presentation)

Research Clinic

A/Prof. Val Ingham | Emergency Management

Distinguishing a Professional Doctorate from a PhD

Prof. Anthony Saliba | Professor of Perceptual Psychology

Considering mixed methods

Dr. Lachlan Brown | School of Social Work and Arts (SSWA) and

Laura Longmore | Centre for Law and Justice - Online

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

Prof. Mark Morrison | Associate Dean (Research)

Citations - Why they matter and how to increase them

Dr. Anwaar Ulhaq | Senior Lecturer and Deputy Leader, Machine Vision and Digital Health Research Group

Writing your thesis: LaTeX vs Microsoft Word

Sarah Rosetta | Division of Library Services

Lauren Brumby | Division of Library Services

Approaches to a successful systematic literature review

5:30pm – 6:10pm

(40 minutes)

Paul Shaw | Manager, Graduate Research | Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies

Panel Discussion

Sub Dean Grad Studies, HDR Coordinators, GSLOs & HDR Manager

HDR policies and procedures

Discussion and Q&A


Dinner & Drinks

Important health and safety information

  • For the health and safety of all attendees we ask that you follow the guidelines below:
  • Do not come to the event if you are:
    • unwell, even with very mild symptoms, or have tested positive to COVID-19 in the previous 7 days
    • awaiting results of a COVID-19 test
  • Physically distance (remain 1.5m apart) from others where reasonably practicable, particularlywhen indoors.
  • Bring a mask to wear in circumstances where physical distancing cannot be maintained

Please familiarise yourself with the latest information and follow Government advice relevant to your location: New South Wales | Victoria| Australian Capital Territory | Queensland

Day Two -  Thursday - Mirage Room

8:30am – 8:45am

Arrival and welcome of participants

8:45am – 9:10am

(15 mins)

A/Prof. Ramudu Bhanugopan | Sub-Dean (Graduate Studies), Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Day Two Opening and Welcome Navigating the HDR Examination Process

9.15am – 9:30am

(15 mins)

Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR.Intern)

A division of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI)

Mark Ovens | Business Development Manager, NSW/ACT

Glen Sheldon | Deputy National Program Manager and Business Development (QLD, SA, WA) - Online

HDR APR Intern Program

9.35am – 12:30pm

HDR Candidate Presentations

12.35pm – 1:00pm

Conference Finish – Presenter Awards

Breakout Room 1 – Computing and Mathematics (Mirage Room)

Computing and Mathematics

Session Chairs

Dr Quazi Mamun and Prof Manoranjan Paul


Dr Quazi Mamun



Peter Dodds

Writer-Reader relationships


Anne Chidgey

Accelerating the value of AIOps to server support in a managed services provider: a mixed methods, case study


Ehtesham Ferdous - Online

AI based SDN network operation centre


Scott Atkinson

Non-haptic user interfaces in a post-covid environment


Dristi Datta

Regression model performance analysis for soil nitrogen prediction with remote sensing data


Jamil Ispahany

Machine learning techniques to detect ransomware: a brief review


Ramin Ghorashi

An evaluation of organisation’s data sharing and privacy risks


Mahir Habib

Cattle information events - extending data schemas to meet the needs of the Australian red meat industry


Selahattin Hürol Türen -


Analysing the forum activities inside the dark web


Return to main auditorium (Mirage Room)

Breakout Room 2 – SOCME: Computing, Mathematics and Engineering (Fife Room)

Computing, Mathematics and Engineering

Session Chairs

Dr Michael Bewong and Dr Anwaar UlHaq


Dr Michael Bewong



MD Ershadul Haque

A hybrid approach to represent and compress quantum image


Demogene Smith - Online

Identifying the role Information technology plays in the disconnect in operational delivery in public healthcare


Muhammad Rafiqul Islam

Video deraining by combining physical features and data-driven network


Muhammad Rana

A Key Management Scheme for Lightweight Block Cipher


Peter Padiet

Malicious insider threats to data integrity


Mehedi Tajrian

Misinformation analysis


Gnanakumar Thedchanamoorthy

Privacy-preserving data collection for statistical aggregation


Faranak Tohidi

Effective Video-based point cloud compression


Return to main auditorium (Mirage Room)

Breakout Room 3 – Business and Customs and Excise (Back of Henry’s)

Business and Customs and Excise

Session Chairs

Prof Branka Krivokapic-skoko, Dr. Elizabeth Dunlop and A/Prof. Mikhail Kashubsky(PhD - Doctor of Philosophy; DBA - Doctor of Business Administration)


Prof Branka Krivokapic- skok

Introduction to the session


Sonia Diab

Confirmation of Candidature

Many cooks enrich the broth? Distributed leadership and its effect on psychological safety, group affective tone, role stressors and organisational effectiveness in Australian health networks (DBA)


Gavin Ritz

Confirmation of Candidature

Understanding early-stage high technology start-ups, User-centric appraisal of technological inventions (DBA)


Abdul Quddus Wazirzada

Sustainable Mobility Solutions, Using Intelligent Transport Systems (DBA)


Iswandi Iswandi (Customs)

International Regulatory Framework and Initiatives in Combatting Counterfeit Trade at Cross-borders (PhD)


Emily Webster

Preparing for Drought (PhD)


Pham Duy Anh

Data collection insights - conducting interviews overseas during the pandemic (PhD)


Victoria Erskine

Communication in a Collective impact - moving the needle on health outcomes for Australians (PhD)


Return to main auditorium (Mirage Room)

Breakout Room 4 – Graduate School Policing and Security & Psychology (Pacific Lounge)

Graduate School Policing and Security & Psychology

Session Chairs

Professor Anthony Saliba, Dr Tyson Whitten and A/Prof Valerie Ingham (PhD - Doctor of Philosophy; DPS - Doctor of Public Safety)


Prof Anthony Saliba

Introduction to the session


Dr Emma Colvin

Publishing opportunity


Craig Shepherd

Confirmation of Candidature (DPS)

Developing a Multi-Aerial Platform Operating Model to enable multi-agencies to operate helicopters, planes and drones safely and cohesively within uncontrolled airspace above disasters.


Andrew Williams

Emergency Management Planning for Domestic Family Violence (DPS)


Stewart Duncan

Private sectors contribution to community resilience and sustainability (DPS)


Sarah Smorhun

Challenges of finding research participants in public safety (DPS)


Genevieve d'Ament

Psychology A holistic understanding of the co-created cellar door experience: Staff and customer perspectives (PhD)


John Moy

A new sustainable volunteer emergency services model (DPS)


Nicholas McFadyen

Psychology How Early Life Stress Effects Visual Attention and Behavioural Inhibition in Adults (PhD)


Return to main auditorium (Mirage Room)

Important health and safety information

  • For the health and safety of all attendees we ask that you follow the guidelines below:
  • Do not come to the event if you are:
    • unwell, even with very mild symptoms, or have tested positive to COVID-19 in the previous 7 days
    • awaiting results of a COVID-19 test
  • Physically distance (remain 1.5m apart) from others where reasonably practicable, particularlywhen indoors.
  • Bring a mask to wear in circumstances where physical distancing cannot be maintained

Please familiarise yourself with the latest information and follow Government advice relevant to your location: New South Wales | Victoria| Australian Capital Territory | Queensland