2023 Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences HDR Conference

Embrace the Evolution of Work and Research in the Age of Automation and Artificial Intelligence

We extend a special invitation to all Higher Degree Research students and supervisors to join us at a captivating conference focused on "the future of work and research amidst the era of automation and artificial intelligence".

This event is designed exclusively for you, providing a platform to explore the transformative landscape, connect with ground-breaking ideas, and shape your path toward a remarkable future. Engage with esteemed keynote speakers, collaborate with research support teams, and showcase your own exceptional projects.

Together, let's embark on an inspiring journey that celebrates the limitless potential of higher degree research in this ever-evolving world.

Event information

Start: 12pm/midday on Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Finish: Friday 23rd November 2023

Wagga RSL club

Key information

Please take note of the following key dates:

  • Registrations closed on Tuesday, 24th October 2023
  • Abstracts submission closes – Monday, 30th October 2023.
  • PowerPoint Presentations submission closes – Monday, 30th October 2023.

Presentation Submissions

All Faculty of BJBS HDR students are invited to present at the HDR Conference.

There are two streams for submission:

Abstract submission

Abstract template (Computing and Mathematics only) for download

Abstracts submission closes - Monday, 30th October 2023.

Powerpoint submission

Please ensure you read and understand these guidelines before submitting your PowerPoint slides for Presentation.

We strongly recommend that you do not exceed 15 slides in your PowerPoint Presentation as you have a maximum of 15 mins to present your research.

Your presentation must be provided by the Monday, 30th October 2023.  This provides time to prepare conference administrator at the venue to ensure your presentation is ready to go for your session.

Presentation Guidelines

Powerpoint slides submission closes – Monday, 30th October 2023.

Keynote speakers

Ataur Rahman

Professor Ataur Rahman

Dr Ataur Rahman is a professor in water and environmental engineering in School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment in Western Sydney University. He obtained his PhD in water engineering from Monash University.

Dr Ataur Rahman has authored 534 publications including 165 ISI listed journal articles, 33 scholarly book chapters and 254 conference papers AND is one of the authors of Australian Rainfall and Runoff (National Guideline). His Google Scholar citations are 8300, with an h-index of 45.

Dr Ataur Rahman is one of the top 2% scientists globally. He has received the Best PhD Supervisor Award from Western Sydney University and The G N Alexander Medal from

The Institution of Engineers, Australia for his research in statistical hydrology. He has supervised 23 PhD students to completion and currently supervising 8 PhD students and is serving in the editorial board of three ISI listed journals.

Presentation: Ataur Rahman_22 Nov 2023.pdf

Mark Ovens

Mark Ovens

Mark Ovens is Business Manager NSW/ACT for APR.Intern and with 8 years in the role he has seen a massive increase in program take-up over this period benefiting HDR students, academic mentors, Universities and industry partners.

Mark’s role is focused on matching industry partners with all Australian Universities postgraduate PhD’s and Masters by Research candidates creating research and development internships that are 3-6 months duration. These internships are helping solve real-world problems in all industries and government by interns doing research with academics and industry partners.

With his wealth of experience of over 30 years working both in industry and Universities, he brings a clear understanding of what’s required of students by industry as well as what skills industries are looking for. Academics mentor their student intern as well as building valuable industry networks that lead to many significant University/ Industry on-going collaborations.

Preparation for PhD’s and Masters by Research careers beyond their studies has never been more critical for Australia in all sectors including government, industry, and Universities.

Prior to this role, his background was in HR Consulting and business development as well as 20 years as HR Director Asia/Pacific in pharmaceuticals and manufacturing.

Mark has a BSc. from The University of Auckland, New Zealand, in Psychology, Mathematics, Chemistry & Physics.

Presentation: APR-Presentation_CSU_11_2023.pdf

Asher Gentle

Asher Gentle

Asher is Director of the Research Commercialisation Enabling team in the Australian Government Department of Education. Asher has extensive experience in university teaching and research matters and most recently was involved in development of the Government’s University Research Commercialisation Agenda, a key reform to create stronger links between universities and industry. Asher is currently responsible for implementation of two measures announced through the Agenda: the National Industry PhD Program and the Higher Education Research Commercialisation Intellectual Property Framework.

Presentation:  Industry-focused HDR careers - Department of Education presentation.pdf

Conference program

Day One -  Wednesday 22 November - Mirage Room

12:00pm – 12:30pm

Registration and Lunch

30 minutes

12:30pm – 12:40pm
10 minutes

Associate Professor Ramudu Bhanugopan | Sub-Dean (Graduate Studies), Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences


12:40pm – 12:50pm
10 minutes

Professor Lewis Bizo | Executive Dean, Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Opening and Acknowledgement of Country

12:50pm – 1:10pm
15 minutes
5 minutes Q&A (20 minutes)

Professor Zahid Islam | Associate Dean Research (ADR), Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Impact of Research output for HDR students

1:10pm – 1:30 pm
15 minutes
5 minutes Q&A (20 minutes)

Professor Sarah O’ Shea | Dean, Graduate Research

Enriching HDR student experience

1:35pm – 2:25pm
40 minutes
10 minutes Q&A (50 minutes)

Keynote Speaker 1

Professor Ataur Rahman | Dean's Unit, School of Eng, Design & Built Environment | Western Sydney University

Strategies for HDR students seeking to publish their research in high impact journals

2:30pm – 3:00pm
20 minutes
10 minutes Q&A (30 minutes)

Keynote Speaker 2

Mark Ovens APR.Intern | Business Development Manager, NSW/ACT

How can HDR students benefit from industry internships? A glimpse into the real-world research settings

3:00pm – 3:15pm

Afternoon Tea Break

15 minutes

3:20pm – 3:45pm

15 minutes
10 minutes Q&A (25 minutes)

Professor Michael Friend |
PVC Research and Innovation

Industry engagement for HDR graduates

3:45pm – 5:00pm

OPTIONAL to present for 5 to 10 minutes each before the round table

Research ‘Spot Light’ - Round Table Discussion:

Facilitated by Prof. Anthony Saliba

1 hour and 15 minutes

Participate in the chat with live questions via this link, use the QR code to download “slido” or you can download using Google Play

ask your conference questions at this url

Prof. Oliver Burmeister | Chair Human Research Ethics Committee

Ethics in Human research: Standards and best practices

Dr Troy Whitford | Sub Dean Learning and Teaching

Artificial Intelligence for academic research: Adapt or resist? (10 minutes presentation)

Michelle Jones | Manager, Safe & Fair Communities

How plagiarism affects academic integrity and reputation? (10 minutes presentation)

Dr Stacey Jenkins | Executive Director and Melinda Green | Manager, Student Counselling

Looking after your wellbeing: Resources for research students (10 minutes presentation)

Prof. Manoranjan Paul | Professor in Computer Science

Thesis writing vs publishing in journal: Challenges at the crossroads (10 minutes presentation)

6:15pm arrival for
6:30pm dinner

Dinner & Drinks & Trivia night (prizes to be awarded!)

UNEKE Warehouse - https://www.unekelounge.com.au/weddingsandfunctions

Wagga RSL Network Name and Password:


Password: #enjoyfreewifi

Important health and safety information

  • For the health and safety of all attendees we ask that you follow the guidelines below:
  • Do not come to the event if you are:
    • unwell, even with very mild symptoms, or have tested positive to COVID-19 in the previous 7 days
    • awaiting results of a COVID-19 test
  • Physically distance (remain 1.5m apart) from others where reasonably practicable, particularlywhen indoors.
  • Bring a mask to wear in circumstances where physical distancing cannot be maintained

Please familiarise yourself with the latest information and follow Government advice relevant to your location: New South Wales | Victoria| Australian Capital Territory | Queensland

Day Two - Thursday 23 November - Mirage Room

8:45am – 9:00am

Arrival and welcome of participants

15 minutes

9:00am – 9:25am

20 minutes
5 minutes Q&A (25 minutes)

A/Prof. Ramudu Bhanugopan | Sub-Dean (Graduate Studies), Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Day Two Opening and Welcome
Navigating the HDR Examination Process: Challenges and avoiding pitfalls


9:30am – 10:15am

30 minutes
15 minutes Q&A (45 minutes)

Keynote Speaker 3

Asher Gentle | Director
Research Commercialisation Enabling Team | Research Division
Australian Government Department of Education

Industry-focused HDR careers

10:20am – 10:45am

15 minutes
10 minutes Q&A (25 minutes)

Sarah Rosetta | Senior Client Services Librarians

Literature reviews and leveraging AI-based tools

10:45am – 11:00am

Morning tea

15 minutes

11:00am – 12:00pm

Discussion and Q&A session
(1 hour)

Paul Shaw | Manager, Graduate Research | Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies

Panel Discussion: Sub Dean Grad Studies, HDR Coordinators, GSLOs & HDR Manager

HDR policies and procedures: Enhancing student support services

12:00pm – 12:25pm

15 minutes
10 minutes Q&A (25 minutes)

Prof. Lewis Bizo | Executive Dean, Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

My Research Journey

12:30pm – 12:55pm

15 minutes
10 minutes Q&A (25 minutes)

Prof. Mark Evans | DVC (Research)

Winning the PhD game: financial support, doctoral learning, and career paths

1:00pm – 1:45pm

Lunch with your supervisor at RSL Wagga

45 minutes

1:45pm – 5:30pm

HDR Candidate Presentations: Proceed to relevant break out rooms

Thursday 23rd November 2023 – SOCME Breakout Room One: Ambassador Conference Room (Mantra Pavilion Hotel)

Breakout Room 1: Ambassador Conference Room at the Mantra Pavilion Hotel

School of Computing and Mathematics and Engineering

Maximum 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions

Session Chairs:

Dr Quazi Mamun & Prof Manoranjan Paul

1:45pm – 1:55pm

Dr Quazi Mamun

Introduction to the session

1:55pm – 2:15pm
(20 minutes)

Md Delowar Hossain

Blockchain integration with IoT to preserve patient data in the healthcare system

2:15pm – 2:35pm
(20 minutes)

Muhammad Rana

Key Management Technique for Lightweight Block Cipher

2:35pm – 2:55pm
(20 minutes)

Md Ershadul Haque

An efficient quantum image representation and compression circuit using zero-discarded state preparation approach

2:55pm – 3:15pm
(20 minutes)

Dristi Datta

Novel Dry Soil and Vegetation Indices to Predict Soil Contents from Landsat 8 Satellite Data

3:15pm – 3:25pm

Short break for 10 minutes

3:25pm – 3:45pm
(20 minutes)

Faranak Tohidi

Point Cloud Geometry Compression through Novel Hierarchical Hexahedron Partitions and Projection Technique

3:45pm – 4:05pm    
(20 minutes)

Sadia Sabrin Nodi

Munsell Soil Colour Determination by using smartphone-captured images and deep learning algorithms

4:05pm – 4:25pm
(20 minutes)

Gnanakumar Thedchanamoorthy

A Survey of Data Collection Methods ensuring Privacy for Aggregation


Return to main auditorium (Mirage Room)

Thursday 23rd November 2023 – SOCME Breakout Room Two: Mirage Room (Wagga RSL)

Breakout Room 2: Mirage Room

School of Computing and Mathematics and Engineering

Maximum 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions

Session Chairs:

Prof. Oliver Burmeister

2:05pm – 2:15pm

Prof. Oliver Burmeister

Introduction to the session

2:15pm – 2:35pm
(20 minutes)

Scott Atkinson

Why the Mouse?

2:35pm – 2:55pm
(20 minutes)

Jonathan Cook

Small Keys, Strong Locks: IoT Security - An Overview

2:55pm – 3:15pm
(20 minutes)

Peter Padiet

Analysis of Malicious Intruders and Their Impact on Data Integrity

3:15pm – 3:25pm

Short break for 10 minutes

3:25pm – 3:45pm
(20 minutes)

Mehedi Tajrian

Child development myths and facts analysis using text mining

3:45pm – 4:05pm
(20 minutes)

Ehtesham Ferdous

SDN Anomaly Detection using AI

4:05pm – 4:25pm
(20 minutes)

Seyed Ramin Ghorashi

Measure of Privacy Risk in Organisational Data Sharing

4:25pm – 4:45pm
(20 minutes)

Paul Grant

EEG Seizure Classification via Wavelet Variance

4:45pm – 5:05pm
(20 minutes)

(7:45am UTC)

Huerol Tueren ONLINE

Cyber Security in Germany and Browser Fingerprinting


Return to main auditorium (Mirage Room)

Thursday 23rd November 2023 – SOB & CCES Breakout Room Three: Back of Henry’s Room (Wagga RSL)

Breakout Room 3: Back of Henry’s Room

School of Business and Customs and Excise

Maximum 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions
Maximum 30 minutes + 15 minutes for questions for CoC

Session Chairs:

Dr Nicholas Pawsey & A/Prof. Mikhail Kashubsky

(PhD - Doctor of Philosophy; DBA - Doctor of Business Administration)

1:45pm – 1:55pm

A/Prof. Mikhail Kashubsky    

Introduction to the session

1:55pm – 2:40pm 
(45 minutes)

Patrick McKenna

Confirmation of Candidature Presentation:

Evaluating the Implementation of Collaborative Governance from a Critical Systems Thinking Perspective

2:40pm – 3:00pm
(20 minutes)

Sophia Montgomery

LETHE - The nature of Systemic corruption

3:00pm – 3:20pm
(20 minutes)

Iswandi Iswandi

Towards an Enhanced Regulatory and Enforcement Framework to Combat Counterfeit Trade in Indonesia

3:25pm – 3:35pm

Short break for 10 minutes

3:35pm – 3:55pm
(20 minutes)

Jinney Satterly ONLINE

Examining Thai students' intentions to enrol in Australian Higher Education Institutions

3:55pm – 4:15pm
(20 minutes)

Arief Wahyudi

Effectiveness Of Public Sector Internal Audit Function On Risk Management After Reformation In Indonesia

4:15pm – 4:35pm
(20 minutes)

Guy Mark Harrison

The codification of International Law on Exports


Return to main auditorium (Mirage Room)

Thursday 23rd November 2023 – AGSPS & SOP Breakout Room Four: Board Room (Wagga RSL)

Breakout Room 4: Board Room

Australian Graduate School Policing and Security & School of Psychology

Maximum 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions
Maximum 30 minutes + 15 minutes for questions for CoC

Session Chairs:

Professor Anthony Saliba & A/Prof Valerie Ingham

(PhD - Doctor of Philosophy; DPS - Doctor of Public Safety)

1:45pm – 1:50pm

Prof. Anthony Saliba & A/Prof Valerie Ingham

Introduction to the session

1:50pm – 2:35pm 
(45 minutes)

Rajnish Saini ONLINE

Confirmation of Candidature Presentation: The Brass Ceiling: Are Canadian Police Organizations Achieving Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Senior Police Leadership?

2:35pm – 3:20pm
(45 minutes)

Hannah Lewis

Confirmation of Candidature Presentation: A Peek at the Peak: Temporal Aspects of Serial Murder

3:20pm – 3:25pm

Short break for 5 minutes

3:25pm – 3:45pm
(20 minutes)

Genevieve d'Ament

A holistic understanding of the co-created cellar door experience: Staff and customer perspectives

3:45pm – 4:30pm
(45 minutes)

Gabrielle Sivertsen

Confirmation of Candidature Presentation: Is the crisis in public mental health system the true perpetrator of Australian homicide?

4:30pm – 4:50pm
(20 minutes)

Tina-Maree Newlan

The marked body: Meaning-making, choices and decisions around artistic tattooing of breast cancer mastectomy scars

4:50pm – 5:10pm
(20 minutes)

Nicole Joy Sim

From Rubbles to Screens: Journalists Reporting in Conflict Zones

5:10pm – 5:30pm
(20 minutes)

Kirstie Northfield

Who can judge adolescent wellbeing?


Return to main auditorium (Mirage Room)

5:35pm – 5:50pm
(15 minutes)

A/Prof. Ramudu Bhanugopan | Sub-Dean (Graduate Studies), Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Presentation, awards, photographs and conference wrap up