Health Services

Research Area Leader

Oliver Burmeister

Professor Oliver Burmeister

Research Area Deputy Leader

Jodie Kleinschafer

Dr Jodie Kleinschafer

The delivery and management of effective health services in regional, rural and remote areas faces a number of ongoing challenges.  For example, an ageing population in Australia requires health organisations to increase their capacity for aged care, while managing simultaneous challenges such as workforce shortages.  Health services research is a priority funding area for the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and promoting and maintaining good health is recognised as a national priority area by the Australian Research Council, highlighting the importance and relevance of this research.  Traditionally, health services management has been researched primarily from disciplinary approaches incorporating clinical perspectives, medical education and public health, amongst others.  Our research area (RA) combines these approaches with a number of business disciplines such as information technology, economics, marketing and management with a view to providing additional input and suggestions of different ways to approach the challenges of health services management.

Our research aims to provide a cross-disciplinary perspective that will seek to explore problems and challenges that the health industry faces and develop interventions for improving health service delivery at an individual, group and organisational level.

Our research will contribute to both scholarly knowledge and health industry practice in a number of ways.  Scholarly knowledge pertaining to health service delivery will be enhanced through a cross-disciplinary research approach through the input of researchers from diverse academic backgrounds.  By researching various facets of health service delivery, researchers within the RA are also contributing directly to national research priority areas.  From a practice perspective, the RA is able to provide information and advice to industry partners through roles on boards and committees, by communicating results of research, through assisting industry partners with developing capacity to recognise and research their own organisational problems, and through the development of organisationally-specific interventions aimed at enhancing health service delivery.

NameTitle/Position School / EmployerLocation
Maree Bernoth Associate Professor School of Nursing, Paramedicine and Healthcare Sciences Wagga Wagga
Oliver Burmeister Professor School of Computing and Mathematics Bathurst
Arnela Ceric Senior Lecturer School of Business Bathurst
Rylee Dionigi Professor School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sports Science Port Macquarie
Greg Dresser Head of Research and Development LiveBetter Community Services Outside Charles Sturt
Kenneth Eustace Adjunct Senior Lecturer School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Wagga Wagga
Rachael Fox Senior Lecturer School of Psychology Wagga Wagga
Jenni Greig Research Officer Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences Bathurst
Nur Mohammad Hassan Lecturer School of Dentistry and Health Sciences Wagga Wagga
Catherine Hawke Associate Professor School of Rural Health, University of Sydney Outside Charles Sturt
Gene Hodgins Associate Professor School of Psychology Wagga Wagga
Md Zahid IslamProfessor School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Bathurst
Mir Rabiul Islam Lecturer School of Psychology Bathurst
Rashid Khokhar Adjunct LecturerSchool of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Wagga Wagga
Jodie Kleinschafer Lecturer School of Business Bathurst
Alice Munro Research Manager Western NSW Local Health District Outside Charles Sturt
Brona Nic Giolla Easpaig Research Fellow Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science, Australian Institute of Health Innovation Outside Charles Sturt
Manoranjan Paul Professor School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Bathurst
Adam Poulsen Student School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Bathurst
Azizur Rahman Associate Professor School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Wagga Wagga
Sabih Rehman Senior Lecturer School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Port Macquarie
Russell RobertsProfessor School of Business Bathurst
Rachel Rossiter Associate Professor School of Nursing, Paramedicine and Healthcare Sciences Orange
Felicity Small Senior Lecturer School of Business Bathurst
Eevon Stott Research and Development LiveBetter Community Services Outside Charles Sturt
Matthew Thomas Clinical Psychologist, Mental Health Clinician Marathon Health Outside Charles Sturt
David Tien Senior Lecturer School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Bathurst
Georgia Tziros Student and Family Reunification Practitioner Child Protection Department of Health and Human Services Melbourne
Anwaar UlhaqSenior Lecturer School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Port Macquarie
Shaoyu (Shaun) Wang Lecturer in Anatomy and Physiology School of Dentistry and Medical Sciences Orange

Only a selection of current and past projects are listed here, indicative of the type of external engagements HSR members participate in.

Current Projects

Project NameBrief DescriptionFunding BodyInvestigators

Leadership dynamics in implementation of statewide health improvement priorities

The Older People’s Mental Health (OPMH) Physical Health Care Practice Improvement Project aims to promote improvements in the physical health assessment and care of OPMH service consumers. The project will include OPMH community and inpatient services across NSW. The Charles Sturt team will be supporting and upskilling NSW Health staff as they conduct specific projects in different LHDs. An action research project will be simultaneously conducted by the Charles Sturt team to evaluate, and bring together learnings from the overarching project.

NSW Health, Mental Health Branch, $10,000

R. Roberts, O. Burmeister and J. Greig

An Evaluation of the Spark a Connection Art and Dementia Program

This project aims to evaluate an art and dementia program in which persons with dementia and their carers take part in gallery tours and art workshops designed to ignite a link between creativity and memory, as well as promote storytelling and stimulate conversation and memory recall.  The purpose of this project is to evaluate that program's delivery model, investigating its effectiveness at supporting social engagement, creative opportunities, respite, and education.

Orange City Council

A. Poulsen and O. Burmeister

The Provision of a Predictive Risk Stratification Tool for the Chronic/Complex Healthcare: Engaging Stakeholders and Services (CHESS) Initiative

Automated and intelligent Decision Support System powered by in house data mining algorithms to analyse and predict patient readmission patterns

Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD), NSW Health $52,677

Z. Islam and M. Morrison

Equally Well.


$154,160 National Mental Health Commission


R. Roberts (lead), M. Mehmet, O. Burmeister, C. Maylea, N. Tahmid, and F. Small.

The meaning of sport in lives of older people across the physical activity spectrum: Towards policy implications

This project examines how older people experience and/or relate to (or not) physical activity, leisure and/or sport. It involves interviews with older people (who do and do not play sport) about their health and ageing. It aims to develop recommendations for policy on the benefits (or otherwise) of promoting sport and physical activity to older people.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant $199,000


S. Horton, R. Dionigi, J. Baker, P. Weir and M. Gard

Past Projects

Project NameBrief DescriptionFunding BodyInvestigators

Digital health solutions to monitor and diagnose Alzheimer’s and dementia, supporting patients, carer-givers and clinicians to improve patient outcomes, implement interventions and delay institutionalisation


Department of Industry Innovation and Science - Global Innovation Linkage Programme Australian Competitive Grants Register Category 1.

Grey Innovation (lead) and O. Burmeister (Charles Sturt).

International partners: T Kirste and S. Bader (University of Rostock), and S. Teipel (DZNE).

Social and community links - a driver of healthy and active ageing.

The primary purpose is to evaluate the impact of dedicated personnel, "Linkers", on increasing social and community links between older people and community service organisations on general health.

Department of Social Services
$655,000 ($60,000 to Charles Sturt)
Partner Organisation: CareWest P/L Orange NSW


O. Burmeister (Lead CI), M. Morrison, Z. Islam, M. Bernoth, R. Dionigi, and R. Akhter

Mapping the Funding and Communication Practices of Aged Care Services in a Regional Australian Community

This project aimed to examine the funding sources and communication links between aged and community care services within a regional centre in Central West NSW.


R. Shaw, J.Greig, Z. Bone and M. Morrison

Building Communities of Practice Around the Prevention of Functional Decline in the Community

This research seeks to investigate whether improved training and use of technology by clinicians (support workers) and training of volunteers improves human resource management outcomes among employees and volunteer carers who are involved in reducing the rate of functional decline among seniors. This research involves the use of experiments and pre-post surveys of subjects.

Care West

M. Morrison, O. Burmeister, Z. Islam, R. Bhanugopan and M. Bernoth


Bringing the Oldest-Old into the Digital Age: Overcoming Challenges of Mobility, Literacy and Learning

Gillian Harvie

Principal Supervisor:

O Burmeister


K Eustace

The Investigation of a New Care Robot Design Approach for Alleviating LGBT Elderly Loneliness

Adam Poulsen

Principal Supervisor:

O Burmeister


D Tien

A Ul-Haq

An exploration of Greek Migrant Experiences and Later Life Emotional Well-being

Georgia Tziros

Principal Supervisor:

M Bernoth


O Burmeister

For complete list of publications and presentations of team members, please see individual profiles of the team members.


Fletcher, S. and Islam, M. Z. (2017): Differentially Private Random Decision Forests using Smooth Sensitivity, Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), Vol. 78, pg. 16-31, DOI:

ISI Web of Knowledge Rank Q1.

Islam, M. Z., D'Alessandro, S., Furner, M., Johnson, L., Gray, D. and Carter, L. (2016): Brand Switching Pattern Discovery by Data Mining Techniques for the Telecommunication Industry in Australia, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, pg. 1 - 17, Vol. 20, DOI:

ABDC 2016 Rank A

Beg, A. H., Islam, M. Z., and Estivill-Castro. V. (2016): Genetic Algorithm with Healthy Population and Multiple Streams Sharing Information for Clustering, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 114, pp. 61-78, ISSN 0219-1377, Springer London. doi: Available at

ABDC 2016 Rank A, ISI Web of Knowledge Rank Q1.

Rahman, M. G., and Islam, M. Z. (2016): Discretization of Continuous Attributes Through Low Frequency Numerical Values and Attribute Interdependency, Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), Vol. 45, pp. 410-423, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2015.10.005, 1 March, 2016.

ISI Web of Knowledge Rank Q1.

Sayers, J.M., Cleary, M., Hunt, G., and Burmeister, O.K. (2017) Service and infrastructure needs to support recovery programs for Indigenous community mental health consumers, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 26(2), 142–150, DOI: 10.1111/inm.12287.

SCImago Q1

Bennett, E., Berry, K., Emeto, T. I., Burmeister, O. K., Young, J., and Shields, L. (2017) Attitudes to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents seeking health care for their children in two early parenting services in Australia, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(7-8), 1021–1030. DOI:10.1111/jocn.13595.

SCImago Q1

Burmeister, O.K. (2016) The development of assistive dementia technology that accounts for the values of those affected by its use, Ethics and Information Technology, 18(3), 185-198, DOI: 10.1007/s10676-016-9404-2.

SCImago Q2

Teipel, S., Babiloni, C., Hoey, J., Kaye, J., Kirste, T. and Burmeister, O.K. (2016) Information and communication technology solutions for outdoor navigation in dementia, Alzheimer's & Dementia, 12(6), 695-707. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2015.11.003.

ISI Web of Knowledge Rank Q1.

Bernoth, M., Burmeister, O.K., Morrison, M., Islam, M.Z., Onslow, F., and Cleary, M. (2016) The impact of a participatory care model on work satisfaction of care workers and the functionality, connectedness and mental health of community-dwelling older people, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 37(6), 429-435, DOI: 10.3109/01612840.2016.1149260.

SCImago Q2

Al-Yateem, N., Rossiter, R. C., Robb, W. F., & Slewa-Younan, S. (2018). Mental health literacy of school nurses in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 12(1), 6. doi: 10.1186/s13033-018-0184-4

SCImago Q1

Everson, N., Levett-Jones, T., Pitt, V., Lapkin, S., Van Der Riet, P., Rossiter, R., . . . Courtney Pratt, H. (2018). Analysis of the Empathic Concern Subscale of the Emotional Response Questionnaire in a Study Evaluating the Impact of a 3D Cultural Simulation. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 15(1). doi: 10.1515/ijnes-2017-0003

SCImago Q2

Rossiter, R. C., Clarke, D. K., & Shields, L. (2018). Supporting Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing During The Transition To Secondary School In Regional Australia. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 28(1), 73 - 85.


Sayers, J.M., Cleary, M., Hunt, G., and Burmeister, O.K. (2017) Service and infrastructure needs to support recovery programs for Indigenous community mental health consumers, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 26(2), 142–150, DOI: 10.1111/inm.12287.

SCImago Q1

Bennett, E., Berry, K., Emeto, T. I., Burmeister, O. K., Young, J., and Shields, L. (2017) Attitudes to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents seeking health care for their children in two early parenting services in Australia, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(7-8), 1021–1030. DOI:10.1111/jocn.13595.

SCImago Q1

Poulsen, A. and Burmeister, O.K. (2018) Overcoming carer shortages with carebots: Dynamic value trade-offs in run-time, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22.

ABDC 2016 Rank A

Islam, M.R., Miah, S.J., Kamal, A.R.M. and Burmeister, O. (2018) A Design Construct Developing Approaches to Measure Mental Health Conditions, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22.

ABDC 2016 Rank A

Burmeister, O.K., Ritchie, D., Devitt, A., Chia, E., Dresser, G., and Roberts, R. (2018) The impact of telehealth technology on user perception of wellbeing and social functioning, and the implications for service providers, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22.

ABDC 2016 Rank A

Burmeister, O.K. and Kreps, D. (2018) Power influences upon technology design for age-related cognitive decline using the VSD framework, Ethics and Information Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s10676-018-9460-x.

SCImago Q1.

Redshaw, S., Ingham, V., McCutcheon, M., Hicks, J., and Burmeister, O.K. (2018) Assessing the impact of vulnerability on perceptions of social cohesion in the context of community resilience to disaster in the Blue Mountains, Australian Journal of Rural Health, 26(1), 14-19.

SCImago Q2.

Burmeister, O.K., Bernoth, M., Dietsch, E., and Cleary, M. (2016) Enhancing connectedness through peer training for community dwelling older people: A person centred approach, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 37(6), 406-411, DOI: 10.3109/01612840.2016.1142623.

SCImago Q2.

Burmeister, O.K., and Marks, E., (2016) Rural and remote communities, technology and mental health recovery, Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society. 14(2), 170-181. DOI: 10.1108/JICES-10-2015-0033.

SCImago Q2.