Zahidul Islam

Associate Dean

Professor Zahid Islam

PhD University of Newcastle Australia, Grad Dip UNSW Australia, BSC in Engineering RUET Bangladesh

Associate Dean (Research)
Building 1292 Room 3.8

Zahid is a Professor in Computer Science. For recent information on his profile please visit his personal webpage at


My Teaching Philosophy

I am exploring various teaching pedagogy to find the one that suits the best for me. I change my teaching approach from subject to subject. Sometimes, I concentrate to give students as much information as possible. However, in some other situations I prefer to allow my students to explore, share and learn by themselves.

For example, in a subject like data mining, graph theory and networking students need to know the theory in the background. In this type of subjects I take a research type approach for my students where my role as a lecturer is to provide them the initial knowledge about a topic. I then give them an opportunity to figure out the advantages and disadvantages of the topic, and a possible solution of the problem. The possible solution leads them towards the next topic.

After the initial introduction my role is to guide them towards the right direction. In a lecture room I allow them to work in groups for sometime so that every group can come up with a possible solution.

For example, I provide the initial information and a general introduction if I am teaching encryption techniques in Cryptography or Network Security subject. I then encourage my students to figure out the advantages and disadvantages of encryption techniques such as Playfair Cipher and Transposition Cipher. Once they figure out the drawbacks of these techniques I engage them to work out a possible solution. Once they reach a level then I provide the next level of information so that they can proceed further. We continue this in a very friendly class room environment until they reach the state of the art. I found this teaching technique as very effective to make students interested and engaged in a topic. I think this way they also learn something that they remember for long time. They get a feeling that as if they invented the state of the art technique.

However, in a practical type subject (such as web development and programing language) I encourage them to learn and code by themselves to enjoy their work. I prefer to show them example of what can be done and ask them to do similar things.

Teaching Responsibilities

Session 1, 2012
  • ITC106 Programming Principles Bathurst Internal
  • ITC106 Programming Principles Bathurst Distance
  • ITC303 Software Engineering Project 1 Bathurst Internal
  • ITC303 Software Engineering Project 1 Bathurst Distance
Semester 2, 2011
  • ITC242 Introduction to Data Communications
  • ITC431 Computer Networks
Semester 1, 2011
  • ITC161 Introduction to Information Technology
  • ITC331 Ethics and Professional Practice
  • ITC514 Network and Security Administration using Linux
  • ITC555 Linux Networking and Security
Semester 2, 2010
  • ITC114 Database Management Systems
  • ITC242 Introduction to Data Communications
  • ITC431 Computer Networks
Semester 1, 2010
  • ITC161 Introduction to Information Technology
  • ITC331 Ethics and Professional Practice
  • ITC514 Network and Security Administration using Linux
  • ITC555 Linux Networking and Security
Semester 1, 2009
  • ITC570 Special Subject in IT - Data Mining
  • ITC105 Communication and Information Management
  • ITC532 IT Specialisation Project
  • ITC233 Network Engineering 1
  • ITC493 IT Project Management
Trimester 2, 2009
  • ITC514 Network and Security Administration using Linux
Semester 2, 2009
  • ITC242 Introduction to Data Communications
  • ITC431 Computer Networks
  • ITC499 IT Project Proposal
Other Teaching Experiences
  • ITC518 Principles of Programming using C#
  • SENG 4420 Software Architecture
  • COMP 1050/6050 Internet Communications
  • SENG 3100 Advanced Software Process
  • Administrative Responsibilities
  • Associate Course coordinator BIT
  • Associate Course coordinator BIT/BBus

CELT Evaluation

Please feel free to have a look at Centre for Enhancing Learning and Teaching (CELT), Charles Sturt University Evaluation on my teaching.

Student Evaluation

Please feel free to have a look at the evaluations made by my beloved students at Charles Sturt University and Newcastle University on my teaching style. I have to say that my students are very generous to me and they seriously love me. They are all wonderful students. .(This is still under construction as I have not uploaded all of them yet.)

The Student Evaluation on the subjects that I have taught at CSU are as follows.

The Student Evaluation on the subjects that I have taught at Newcastle University are as follows.

For all of the above subjects there were various Course Coordinators. However, I was the lecturer for those subjects and taught them for full semesters.


For the latest research activities please visit Zahid's personal webpage at


For the latest professional activities please visit his personal webpage at

Current Research Projects

For the latest list of Research Projects please visit his personal webpage at