Welcome to the Data Mining Research Group page in the Data Science and Engineering Research Unit at Charles Sturt University.
Meet the leaders and members of the Data Mining Research Group. Our members comprise doctoral students to distinguished experts from the academia and industry to understand, co-design, investigate and find the solutions to real-world problems.
We partner with industry to find solutions to current and future challenges in the 21st Century’s data centric world. Data mining techniques and applied statistics approaches are at the core of data science.
The lab's main objective is to harness leading-edge equipment and data analysis tools with experts facilities to learn collaboratively and independently and develop and promote multidisciplinary research and solutions to industry problems.
DMRG has a track record of designing applied projects that secured about $27.3 million since 2020, recruited postdocs and students, including 35 current students. Our members also involve in scholarly activities and regularly appear in medias.