Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Machine Vision and Digital Health (MaViDH)

Research Area Leader

Professor Manoranjan Paul

Professor Manoranjan Paul

Leader: Professor Manoranjan Paul, email:

Charles Sturt University

Machine Vision and Digital Health (MaViDH) Research is one of the priority research areas according to the CSU Research Narrative. It brings modern innovations and technological developments to health, agriculture, and machine vision practices.

Due to geographical distance from capital cities a major portion of regional people cannot access high quality health services, like those in major cities. One of the aims of the MaViDH research group is to tackle issues related to Digital health research for remote people through analysis of causal factors, development of remote health management system, and the collection and analysis of health-related data.

The modern IT technologies with sophisticated sensors can make sure high productivity in the agriculture sectors. The other aim of the MaViDH research group is to tackle issues related to agricultural research for farmers, policy maker and other stakeholders through big data analytics, drone/hyperspectral/ remote sensing data collection and analysis of yield data.

Artificial intelligence, image and video processing, deep machine learning, and machine vision are the main theoretical and applied research areas of the MaViDH research group. Our technological innovations are supported by the competitive project grants (e.g. ARC, CRC), PhD supervisions, and industry collaborations.

The MaViDH research group works in collaboration with professionals, farmers, local bodies, academics, and government agencies to conduct research across the research themes related to health, agriculture, and other areas.

A Computer Vision lab with modern equipment is associated with the MaViDH research group. The lab has high performance computing servers, GPU, eye tracker, EEG capture machine, hyperspectral camera, 3D video camera, 360-degree video camera, CCTV cameras and conferencing facility. The detail information is available here

This multidisciplinary research group comprises researchers with expertise in AI, computer vision, image processing, data compression and transmission, health informatics, general medicine, cardiology, deep learning, psychology, health management, information systems, data communication, etc.

The main aim of the research group is to coordinate the activities so that we can achieve following goals.

  • Goals
    • Knowledge creation
    • Build agriculture, health and other relevant technologies
    • Generate health awareness
    • Train researchers
    • Engage industry and External Research groups
  • Research Areas:
    • Digital Health
      • Remote health services/monitoring
      • Epilepsy and EEG signal processingBlood Pressure Monitor
      • Workplace health
      • Ageing and mental health
      • Medical Imaging
    • Agriculture
      • Vine nutrition and smart wine
      • Wine technology
      • Hyperspectral imaging
      • Soil assessment and vegetation pattern
      • Drone technology
    • Machine Vision
      • Video coding
      • Image processing
      • Eye tracking
      • Human-Computer interaction
      • Sensing and activity recognition
  • Funding bodies:
    • Australian Government
    • Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project
    • Soil CRC
    • Wine Australia
    • NSW Government
    • NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI)
    • Australia-China partnership project
    • CSU-Royal Far West partnership project
    • Devro Ptd Ltd
    • Australian Commonwealth Department of Health and Aging
    • Australian Capital Territory – Land Development Agency
    • Centre for Work Health and Safety, NSW Government
    • Commonwealth Department of Health and Aging
    • Australian Capital Territory – Land Development Agency
    • Centre for Work Health and Safety, NSW Government
  • Image: source Wikipedia (used under a Creative Commons License -