Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Advanced Networks Research Group

Research Area Leader

Dr M. Arif Khan

Dr M. Arif Khan


Wireless communication is one of the most important and critical part of our daily lives. In a modern living society, we want to be connected everywhere, anywhere and anytime which is only possible if we have reliable and efficient wireless communication networks available. With the invention of new wireless communication technologies such as 6G, 5G, Massive MIMO, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities, Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) and many more, the role of wireless communication has even increased more for the society.

The Advanced Network Research Group (ANRG) is the hub of wireless communication networks related research at CSU. The research members of the ANRG conduct research in pure as well as applied research related to modern wireless communication systems and related areas.

ANRG Physical Location: Room 201, Building 11, Wagga Wagga Campus

Group Contact: Dr M Arif Khan, Email:; Ph: 02 693 34711

The aims of the Advanced Network Research Group are as follows:

  • to conduct original cutting edge research in wireless communication networks and the related disciplines;
  • to increase the academic and industry research collaboration to solve real life problems;
  • to extend the ANRG research outputs for the benefit of regional communities;
  • to provide high quality cutting edge wireless communication networks training and education to undergraduate, Honours, PhD and DIT students at CSU.

ANRG Lab Facilities

ANRG currently has following lab equipment and facilities:

  • Shimmer Platinum and Kinematic kits (2x)
  • SunSPOTS SDK Kits (6x)
  • ServoBlocks
  • IRIS WSN Educational Kit
  • MICA2 WSN Development Kits
  • CelleBrite UFED Ultimate
  • Libelium Waspmoste Kit

Contents and case of the Libelium Waspmoste Kit

  • Libelium Waspmote Evaluator Kit

Contents and case of the Libelium Waspmote Evaluator Kit







Lihong Zheng

Associate Professor

Wagga Wagga

Lihong Zheng 

M. Arif Khan

Sub-Dean (Graduate Studies) / Senior Lecturer

Wagga Wagga

M. Arif Khan 

Quazi Mamun

Senior Lecturer

Wagga Wagga

Quazi Mamun 

Sabih Rehman

Senior Lecturer

Port Macquarie

Sabih Rehman 

Michael Bewong

Senior Lecturer

Wagga Wagga

Michael Bewong 
Mostafa Dahshan


Bathurst Mostafa Dahshan

Arash Mahboubi


Port Macquarie

Arash Mahboubi

Tanveer Zia

Adjunct Professor

Wagga Wagga

Tanveer Zia


Sixth Generation (6G) Wireless Communication Networks

Sixth Generation (6G) is a new emerging wireless technology that is gaining attention from academic and industry researchers. Year 2019 is considered as ‘year zero’ for 6G research. Although, many commercial telecom companies around the world are in the implementation phase of 5G, researchers think of applications and scenarios where 5G will not be able to fulfil the requirements, such as Augmented Reality applications.

This project is focused on 6G architecture, new user applications and the role of Machine Learning (ML) for 6G wireless communication networks. In particular the project studies Deep Learning (DL) (one of the types of ML) for 6G wireless channel modelling. It is envisioned that ultra-massive MIMO (UM-MIMO) will be one of the candidate for 6G physical layer technologies. In this project, we investigate how DL can be used to estimate this UM-MIMO wireless channel.

Researchers: M. Arif Khan, Sabih Rehman

Project Status: 2020 – on going

Efficient Resource Allocation in 6G Networks using Deep Learning

One of the important design questions for 6G networks will be efficient resource allocation among various users and devices close to the edge of the network without going to the cloud or some other centralised places. Resource allocation requirements are both at the user level and also at the network level. At the user level, it is important to know that how mobile users can efficiently use the computational resources among themselves and from the network. At the network level, the research question is that how various edge networks can efficiently allocate and use resources so that user tasks can be performed effectively and quickly. This project investigates both of these research questions.

Researchers: Syed Usman Jamil, M Arif Khan, Sabih Rehman

Project Status: 2020 – on going

Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs)

Smart autonomous vehicles are future of the modern transportation system. Modern autonomous cars will have self-driving capabilities and being more energy efficient to support smart cities and green environment concepts. In this project, we are developing routing protocols and broadcasting strategies for vehicular ad-hoc networks. Efficient cross layer routing provides fast and correct dissemination of messages from one vehicle to another vehicle or to other infrastructures. Another research problem that we investigate in this project, is broadcasting storm problem where many vehicles transmit their information over the wireless medium and creates congestion and blockages. This may occur in the application where advertisement messages may have been broadcast from vehicles. We use Genetic Algorithms to optimise the broadcast storm problem and provide solution for this issue.

Researchers: Sabih Rehman, M. Jafer, M. Arif Khan, Tanveer Zia

Project Status: 2012 – 2020 Complete with two PhD completions.

Research Students

Student Name

Course (PhD, DIT, Honours)

Project title

Project status

Supervisory team

Jasneet Kaur


Future generation wireless channel characterisation using Machine Learning techniques


Principal Supervisor: M Arif Khan
Co-Supervisor: Mohsin Iftikhar

Samrah Arif


Wireless channel characterisation for Low Power IoT Devices for smart environment applications


Principal Supervisor: M. Arif Khan
Co-Supervisor: Sabih Rehman

Ather Saeed


Fault localisation, tolerance and self-stabilisation in wireless sensor networks


Principal Supervisor: M. Arif Khan
Co-Supervisor: Tanveer Zia

Wajid. A. Shaik


Developing data analysis techniques for IoT devices


Principal Supervisor: M. Arif Khan
Co-Supervisor: Lihong Zheng

Michael Conroy


Benefit analysis of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) and human labour arbitrage within IT-Business Processing Outsourcing (IT-BPO)


Principal Supervisor: Lihong Zheng
Co Supervisor: M. Arif Khan

Jamil Isphahani


A novel technique to detect and prevent sensitive data leakage in hyper connected network while being exfiltrated by malware.


Principal Supervisor: Rafiqul Islam
Co-Supervisor: M. Arif Khan, Zahid Islam

Abdu Ahmed


Insiders attack detection and mitigation in hyper connected IoT networks


Principal Supervisor: Lihong Zheng
Co-Supervisor: M. Arif Khan

Syed Usman Jamil


Resource allocation in 6G enabled Edge Networks

2020 – ongoing

Principal Supervisor: M. Arif Khan
Co-Supervisor: Sabih Rehman

Ron Bester


Next Generation Cloud Computing: Security, Privacy and Trust Issues from the System View

2020 – ongoing

Principal Supervisor: M. Arif Khan
Co-Supervisor: Sabih Rehman

Peter Padiet


Malicious Insider Threats to Data integrity in the clouds

2020 – ongoing

Principal Supervisor: M. Arif Khan
Co-Supervisor: Rafiqul Islam

Muhammad Jafer


Secure and Efficient Broadcasting Communication System for VANETs

2020 - Complete

Principal Supervisor: M. Arif Khan
Co-Supervisor: T. Zia

Tharntip Chutikulrungsee


A Phenomenological Study of Other-generated Disclosure on Online Social Networks

2019 - Complete

Principal Supervisor: Y. Al-Sagaff Co-Supervisor: M Arif Khan

Syed Usman Jamil

Computing (Honours)


2019 – Complete

Supervisor: M Arif Khan

Sabih Rehman


Constraint Driven - Multi Objective Cross-Layer

Routing Protocols For VANETs

2017 -Complete

Principal Supervisor: T. Zia, Co-Supervisor: M. Arif Khan

Meetings & News

Upcoming events and news will be added here as they occur.